Thursday, March 15, 2018

X-Men Red #1


Written by Tom Taylor
Penciled by Mahmud Asrar
Cover by Travis Charest
Published Feb 7, 2018

    As a little girl sleeps, she hears a voice telling her to run. An armed militia chases her down as her own mother fires the first shots, she's shielded by Jean Gray. As Wolverine helps the girl up, she takes Nightcrawler's hand and they Bamf farther and farther way until they're miles under the surface. She's surrounded by the X-Men and she's finally safe..

Don't ask questions, kid.

   Months earlier, a pair of criminals carjack a sedan in New York. Problem is there's a baby in the backseat. As he cries, the vehicle grinds to a halt and the sound is apparently deafening. Waves emanate from the car, breaking windows in it's radius until Wolverine and Honey Badger arrive to quiet the baby. It screams, blowing all the skin off one of Wolverine's hands. Luckily Jean and Nightcrawler arrive and she calms the baby, returning him to his mother.

In fairness, that would probably make me say "EEEEEEEEE" too.

   The public outcry is large. Jean takes to the air to clear her head. There she sample's the world's collective voice. Pain. Fear. Anxiety. She decides to go around the world, from nation to nation, to gather people. Thanks to Black Panther, she assembles them in Wakanda and reads the minds of some of the greatest thinkers on earth. Later she calls to Kurt to follow her. She shows him her new idea. A way forward. He's moved, and invites her to share it.

That's great, Jean. But did you know I was already on the Gold Team?

   The first place she goes is to Atlantis, to the kingdom of the Sub Mariner, king Namor. She asks him to join her team. Next, she goes to the United Nations to speak on behalf of Mutantkind. The Brittish ambassador is the first to question her motives, but several superhero nations move to recognize the nation as an equal. Later on the steps of the building, the woman approaches Jean and begins to explain that she's ruined this body. Jean senses something in her mind and the woman's head explodes. With cameras everywhere, the UN police shoot at the group while they fight back. It turns out that their old nemesis Cassandra Nova is behind the hatred and subsequent attack, framing the X-Men as terrorists. What will happen next? We'll have to wait to find out as this issue is left to be continued.

Aw snap! That's the coolest #*$& I've ever seen!

   In full disclosure, I had to read this issue twice and it's hard for me to know if I like it or not. Part of me is confused by this series even being needed, as a few of these X-Men are already on teams. Second off, the artwork seems rushed. I don't know. Either way, it's tough to dismiss a series by one issue so I'm willing to see what else Tom Taylor can do with this group. Though I've rarely been impressed with his work on All New Wolverine, I'm interested to see what he can do with more characters. I give this one a 6/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE.

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