Thursday, March 8, 2018

Phoenix Resurrection #5


Written by Matthew Roesenberg
Penciled by Leinil Francis Yu
Cover by Leinil Francis Yu
Published Jan 31, 2018

   Logan walks into the diner and sits down. Jeannie offers him a cup of coffee and they exchange how she looks familiar. Suddenly the diner's owner, Annie starts to get protective and asks him to leave but without warning, Logan claws her neck apart and she falls dead.


   Outside, the X-Men lose sight of the Phoenix and are later disturbed by an earthquake. Inside, Logan explains to her that she's been asleep, and tries to snap her out of it when the dead Annie rises. Logan asks her if she remembers and with flames in her eyes, she does. Suddenly the diner explodes and out walks Jean Gray in full Dark Phoenix regalia. She leaps down in front of them and after greeting old friends, asks Scott why he's so young. Beast asks her if this is who she really is. She says yes as the Phoenix force attacks her and Kitty works to hold the team back.

"Jean was always mean to me. Let her handle this herself..."
   Annie walks outside and urges her to calm down, but Jean remembers Annie Richardson died when they were 12. But it doesn't have to be that way. Her parents ask her to stay. They ask her to embrace the Phoenix. Scores of old friends, long passed away can live again if she just embraces it.

Come on, Jean. Just stay dead.

   She yells at the force, and demands the illusions end. One last figure walks out. Scott Summers - her Scott. He's real. She sees his memories and what happened to him without her. There they stand, embracing in front of the giant bird until finally, he dies once again. She addresses the force. Is that it, she asks? She knows it was meant to hurt her, but she can't go on like this. It has to end. She was supposed to die on the shuttle but the force keeps bringing her back. Now, it's role is no longer with her.

So go on, now, flaming bird of death.

   The Phoenix tells her they can go back. They can be what they were. But as we watch every incarnation of her fade in and out, she tells the force it's time to move on, for better or worse. The bird rests in her hands and slowly shrinks until it's gone and she breaks down with emotion. Free from it all, she's tended to by her best friends who welcome her back. And with that, this amazing miniseries comes to a bittersweet conclusion. 

So everybody is cool with freaky, dead Cyclops laying there?

   So if you've ever wondered why you read comics, this is it right here. This is the reason. A standalone story which ushers back one of the greatest X-Men who's ever lived? This series was amazing. Though in simpler times, they would have allowed it to play out in one of the existing books but it deserved it's own title, and over it's short run, it failed to overall disappoint. I enjoyed the series for the most part. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video HERE.

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