Friday, March 2, 2018

Avengers #677


Written by Mark Waid, Al Ewing, and Jim Zub
Penciled by Pepe Larraz
Cover by Mark Brooks
Published Jan 24, 2018

   As Avengers Mansion explodes, Quicksilver tries to evacuate his team but to no avail. With it in ruins... again, the Black Order assumes their strike killed everyone. But while they’re indeed missing, they’ve merely teleported to the Avengers Auxilary HQ care of Voyager. While she recharges, the rest of the team thinks strategy.

Good thing you're here Voyager, old friend.

   Meanwhile, the Grandmaster and the Challenger reveal the game board as well, with both choosing sides against each other. Back in Manhattan, Jarvis remains in a coma. Beast and Wasp monitor him while Dr. Ho restores the teams comms. They immediately reveal the Black Order attacking in Peru while the Lethal Legion battles in Rome. The team splits up  - one group will take on each threat while a third stays behind to work on unfreezing the rest. In the end, everyone gets picked except for Quicksilver.

Ok, Pietro. It's actually because of your hair.

  They leap into action, striking first at the Colliseum and next at Cusco. Meanwhile Wanda and Jericho ponder what magic to use while Quicksilver stews. He eventually takes off and sprints across various landscapes while his teammates battle. As they have various successes and failures, he gets to Rogue’s teams front and finds Cannonball is all that’s left.

Cannonball is all that's left? Even I knew that was gonna happen.

  He gets a hit on Metal Master but the moment Scarlet Witch has a breakthrough with the frozen Vision, Quicksilver is instantly stuck on the battlefield. The Blood Brothers prepare to smash him, later leveling the Avenger and causing unknown damage. What will happen next? We’ll only have to wait a week as this issue is left to be continued.

Clobbering time.

   I don’t remember if I mentioned this last time I recapped an Avengers book, but something that deserves to be recognized is the stunning artwork this series is churning out. Not just Larraz’s pencils, but David Curiel’s lush inks completely blanket this arc in full and total color. For a book that literally puts a new issue out weekly, there’s no way it’s less than daunting. Plus some amazing storytelling... I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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