Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Batman #41


Written by Tom King
Penciled by Mikel Janin
Cover by Mikel Janin
Published Feb 21, 2018

   In a dream, the beautiful Poison Ivy introduces herself to Bruce (and apparently Selina too) as he leaps from his bed. He runs down the hallway as an unsuspecting Alfred attempts to help, but punches him out revealing a batarang clutched in the butler's hands.

Nothing to see here. Just Batman beating up old people.

   Inside the Batcave, Bruce tries to figure out what the hell is going on when Selina walks in. Still confused and hearing Ivy's voice, he tranquilizes Selina and later, himself as well with some unknown concoction. There he descends back into the dream and sees the billions of people across the earth who are likewise under Ivy's spell as she gazes into their eyes.

"That girl is POISON...."

   He and Catwoman wake up in the bed, but this time he announces to his fiance that she's here. Alfred speaks in her voice and regales a story about the Joker and Superman. Bruce pulls back to punch his poor mind controlled butler again but this time knocks out the blocking Flash. 

Batman tries to keep beating the elderly but Flash gets in the way.

   He asks Poison Ivy what she wants and she tells him. She controls everyone, feels everyone. She doesn't want anything though. She already has it all. And although she doesn't have Batman and Catwoman anymore, they can't stop it. Alfred turns to leave and tells them that not having just the two of them is of no concern. The issue wraps with the couple trying to figure out what to do next.. but what that is, we'll have to wait for as this issue is left to be continued.


   Scanning a few reviews of this issue as I often do, I was happy to see a strong majority feels Tom King is back on track with this one. Though Joelle Jones filled in nicely for Mikel Janin, his return to this series is also welcomed, as is it's dreamy like flow fits perfectly and sets up another awesome story arc. Ivy got a tiny cameo in the War Of Jokes And Riddles, so a tale where she's the star is likely to be amazing. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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