Monday, March 5, 2018

All New Wolverine #30


Written by Tom Taylor
Penciled by Juann Cabal
Cover by Dan Mora
Published Jan 31, 2018

   Logan gasps, awakening in the headquarters of the Orphans of X, along with Daken, Sabretooth, and Lady Deathstrike. There with them is Wolverine and the Honey Badger, who explain that they were dead but thanks to the removal of the Muramasa bullets, have returned. Revenge isn’t on the menu this day though. It’s time to own up to what they’ve done.

Wait, you remembered we're all kind of hardcore, right?

   They all walk up until they’re one level below. Using their claws, they cut the support beams causing the floor to collapse. Without killing, they punch the Orphans out with Laura finally using her shield in epic Captain America fashion to catch a runner. Daken questions the last man standing, who explains they communicate via email. Laura reads them the newsletter. The incident at Roosevelt Island was what set them all off in a radical tinge, to watch their nightmares hailed as heroes. But he gives her a name: Henry Sutter.

I mean, did Laura think he'd get over it?

   The name triggers a memory. Martin Sutter was her creater, and when given the order to kill him and his family, she couldn’t kill their son Henry. Laura tells them to clear out. She’s going to put on the armor and try to explain their existence to a group of people who hate them. When they respond to the alarms, they come out blasting. When the smoke clears, she addresses Amber and apologizes, slowly shedding her armor.

Come at me, sis.

   Completely unarmed, she tells them that she too was abused. She too was forced to do things against her will. Finally she addresses Henry Sutter, who’s father forced her to kill Amber’s. Henry is outraged. He points the pistol at her and fires. She says it’s ok. He does it again. She knows he’s scared. She’s seen him this scared before. But if they were what the Orphans thought they were, they’d all be dead as they’re all surrounded..

It looked like they were kind of making the Olympics logo.

   Losing blood, Laura pledges to help find the real people responsible for using them as weapons against the Orphans. And with claws drawn, she declares herself an Orphan of X as well. Later Daken asks Amber for the cloned Sarah Kinney’s body. She gives it to her and the issue wraps with the Kinney family finally able to get some closure. With that, this story arc comes to an end.

Sister. Aunt. Mother. Clone.

   A while back, I started to set my expectations for this book pretty low. That way when it’s moderately above average, it really hits a high note for me. This arc has successfully done just that. While it most certainly doesn’t win any awards, it’s ok pencils, sub-par inking and decent writing prove to be filler. I give it a 6/10 and hope it manages to pick it up in the future. Kind of like I always do.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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