Saturday, March 10, 2018

Batman #40


Written by Tom King
Penciled by Joelle Jones
Cover by Joelle Jones
Published Feb 7, 2018

   Catwoman has had enough. She pins the Gentle Man down and he admits that he lied to Batman and Wonder Woman.  The two of them have been in the realm for decades with no other human contact. She demands he bring them back, while Bruce and Diana find themselves resisting constant temptation.

So... come here lately? For decades?

   Finally they make a deal. Selina allows Julian to see his wife but briefly. Though it's been a year since they last saw each other, their reunion is sweet. Meanwhile scores of years flash by for Wonder Woman and Batman.

You get to see your girl for a second. Make it quick.

   Selina pulls Julian aside., He asks her for another hour or two, but for the others in his place in the realm, it translates to a decade or more. Bruce confides in Diana that he misses his dog. She confides that she misses her, yes... kangaroo. Finally Selina convinces the Gentle Man to return to the realm. He spins his mace and slams it into the ground, opening the portal.

   The issue wraps with their 37th year in the realm. They fade as the Gentle Man prepares for the neverending war. When they return, Catwoman stares at Batman with a tear in her eye. The three of them say their goodbyes and Wonder Woman tells Catwoman she's a hero. Bats tells her he wasn't ever bad in the 37 years... but not good enough and with that, this story comes to an end.

It's not it was THAT long, Selina..

   So Tom King needed to use 2 issues of this book to let us know how committed Bruce is to his lady. If Batman is able to spend 37 years alone with Wonder Woman and never really cheat, then what the hell. I'll allow it. It's always cool to me when comics humanize their characters. Batman is always the brooder in chief. But anytime you can see your favorite ninja mix it up personally, it's pretty cool. I give this one an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE.

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