Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Avengers #681


Written by Mark Waid, Al Ewing, and Jim Zub
Penciled by Kim Jacinto
Cover by Mark Brooks
Published Feb 21, 2018

   Captain Glory explains how he and his unwilling cohorts were forced to battle for the Grandmaster as the Lethal Legion. Although it's a pretty epic contest, they're losing. And currently what stands in their way are the Avengers. Wasp zips around them as Voodoo recites some spells. Synapse scrambles Glory and Scarlet Witch hears Metal Master say it - it really is all a game.

What a crummy game.

   Meanwhile Rogue swells with Corvus Grave's power. She explains that she saw in his memories Grandmaster and the Challenger assembling their game pieces. Problem is that they miss Ferene the Other and she grabs the third pyramoid, scoring a point for the Lethal Legion.

Aw man!

   Back at HQ, Voyager rests up so she can transport more people again. She explains to Dr. Toni her origin. Her parents were scientists on the verge of both a huge discovery as well as divorce. She ran in and became energized with a quantum entanglement experiment. Later she found her way to the Avengers during their founding, and today she'll always be part of something.

And then I founded the Avengers. Remember?

   Citizen V has his hands full with Mentacle. She moves to erase his mind but is interrupted by Falcon.
He rescues Roberto as Synapse keeps fighting with Captain Glory. He lets her into his mind and she too sees it's all a game. Metal Master reiterates this - and that the earth was moved to make it more of a challenge. The Blood Brothers pummel Dr Voodoo and Glory declares the Avengers all have their hands' full.

Quick! GET IT!

   He orders Mentacle to pick up one of the Brothers and sacrifice him to grab the next pyramoid. She does so, but before he makes contact an explosive arrow blows him back from it. Hawkeye has arrived just in time.
   The issue wraps in Arizona as a voice monologues that the monster within is back. Everyone missed it and he now dreads what is coming, and what can't be stopped. A big, familiar green hand rises from the rubble. What will happen next? We'll have to wait to find out as this issue is left to be continued.

I'd recognize that green hand anywhere...

   This stunning series continues to build to an amazing conclusion at a breakneck pace. Out of all the books I read, this one still overwhelmingly expands with almost every issue. Not to mention that one comes out every week, I almost wonder if this was how comics were meant to be read all along? I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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