Monday, March 26, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man #796


Written by Dan Slott
Penciled by Mike Hawthorne
Cover by Alex Ross
Published Feb 14, 2018
   Anti-Venom patches up the wound a police woman suffered at the hands of Boomerang. By the time Spider-Man arrives, Flash is getting all the thanks. He takes to the air and fields a harassing phone call from old boss J Jonah Jameson while old pal Flash heads for a coffee shop for an interview with Alchamax CEO Liz Alain. She knows his secret identity but promises to keep it under wraps in exchange for some security work.

Everybody always knows...

   Meanwhile Pete works on plying his coworkers into spinning some PR for Alchamax’s newest energy source announcement. They head for the facility and out walks old flame Mary Jane Watson. Couple it with former Midtown bully turned bast pal Flash Thompson and there’s a high school reunion. Just the perfect time for a Goblin King attack. They swoop in to steal the Tritium while Flash and Pete duck out to suit up.

You go that way, I'll go this way.

   Goblin King cuts off the guards arm and flies away with the Spider-Folk in pursuit. Elsewhere, the guards outside Norman Osborne's office unfortunately hear some commotion going on inside. Back in New Jersey, Flash and Spidey battle the goblins amid terrible hand jokes, eventually retrieving the guards severed arm. Spider-Man gets distracted and the Goblin's sonic scream incapacitates him. Luckily Jonah calls and screams over him, letting Spidey overpower him but not before he escapes with some of the metal.

Don't worry. We'll bring this back once we find something evil to do with it.

   The issue wraps with Flash reattaching the guards arm and MJ covering for her old boyfriend. Later Pete runs by her apartment for his stuff and she turns it into a booty call. Finally in Osborne's study, Norman uses the Carnage symbiote to fix his face as well as throw up the nanites that have kept him sane. With that, he's crazy again, but unfortunately we'll have to wait to find out what happens next as this issue is left to be continued.

Green Carnage? Red Goblin?

   Seems like Marvel has gone symbiote crazy lately. Not that it's anything new. With the latest Venom/X-Men crossover still fresh, here comes Carnage right on the heels of Venom Inc. It's cool though. I don't mind. With the Dan Slott era wrapping up, seems like a logical way to go. I give this one a 9/10.

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