Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Despicable Deadpool #293


Written by Gerry Duggan
Penciled by Matteo Lolli
Cover by Mike Hawthrone
Published Jan 31, 2018

   Two NYPD cops stand atop the Brooklyn Bridge when a Helicarrier hovers above. They’re not under attack though. It’s just Deadpool, and ignoring him is really the only policy. Without warning, he’s clobbered by a green flash and there flying above is none other than Wade’s biggest crush, Rogue.

I'm sick of the "Ah" with Rogue. We get it. She's from the south. Now knock it off.

   She explains to him she's there to take him in. He lets go and as he falls, she zooms down to save him only to throw him into the back of a fish truck. By the way, just a side note here... Who pays for the damage to this truck? It's not like did anything wrong and Rogue deliberately destroyed his truck and his inventory just to do something mean to Deadpool? Anyway...

Fish guy never did nothing to nobody. Still takes it on the chin.

   Rogue tells Wade she'll testify in his defense. He doesn't see it that way. She tells him that she saw the good in him, but goes on to tell him how he destroyed any future they might have had together. She uppercuts him for killing Coulson and Deadpool responds by tossing a thermite grenade in her face.


   Wade apologizes but tells her there's more he has to do. He asks her to take care of Ellie and he leaves. She rinses her face with a rooftop water tower before greeting a mystery guest. He tells her there's a lot to say but she has to jet, due to X-Men business. The issue wraps with Captain America telling her to leave Deadpool to him. And with that ominous warning, we're left to be continued.

Even just hanging out, he still carries that shield around.

   Obviously Deadpool being a good guy was too good to be true for the merc with a mouth. Still, you can't help but root for the guy. Sure he has a propensity to kill anyone who gets in his way, but there's just as many heroes before him who had similar traits. I liked him as a conflicted hero before he was an Avenger. Watching his struggle afterwards is anything but uninteresting. I give this one an 8/10.

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