Thursday, March 15, 2018

Star Wars #43


Written by Kieron Gillen
Penciled by Salvador Larroca
Cover by David Marquez
Published 2/7/18

   Aboard the Leviathan, Queen Trios holds up Leia before asking the princess to punch her. Using a blaster to take out the cameras, Leia asks why it was her who leaked the miners' prints. Meanwhile, Han's team rushes the bridge and realizes they're late to the fight.

Just in time, Han.

   That fight indeed has moved on, as Commander Kanchar and Luke trade insults with flame throwers. Back up top, Trios explains to Leia that Vader assassinated her father. Now she's looking to rebel, but remain an insider, further helping their efforts.

Let's be pals.

   On the flight deck, the commander accuses Luke of hiding. Instead the Jedi fires an ion torpedo and thanks to his cybernetics, renders Kanchar completely helpless. He returns to find Leia and Trios and as they shake hands, decide it's best for the rebels to be going.
   Back at the controls, Ubin pilots the drilling machine towards it's grave, but as the princess returns, explains that imperial troops will be there any minute. Not allowing her to run a suicide mission, her and Han run to the Falcon. Meanwhile Trios' call to the Empire brings Stormtroopers to the bridge. The rebels hold their position as Han and Ubin hover the Falcon above and rebels make their escape.

Come on, dummy!

   Luke jumps onto the freighter and the Leviathan plunges to its doom. As an escape pod drifts away, Commander Kanchar apologizes to the Queen for losing it but she still appears optimistic. The issue wraps as Han, Leia, Chewie and Luke bid Benthic and his separatists good will. Han awards Ubin Des a fake medal of valor and the Millenium Falcon hits lightspeed. What's next for the band of miscreants? Only time will tell as this story arc is finally concluded.

We got the band back together.

   While it took a little while to finally trudge through this one, it was well worth the reward. Trios is a rebel in disquise. The audience bridged a gap between Rogue One and the original trilogy, plus we got to see Luke continue to evolve as a Jedi master. Although I complain about long arcs in monthly books, I'll make an exception with this one. It's too good not to. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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