Monday, March 26, 2018

X-Men Blue #21


Written by Cullen Bunn
Penciled by Jacopo Camagni
Cover by Arthur Adams
Published Feb 14, 2018

   In space, the X-Men size up their symbiotic foes before attacking the aliens that captured Cyclops’ father, Corsair and his Starjammers. Venom by their side gives them some equal ground, but before they know it, one is able to gank Scott in the chest. Venom begs them to grab him and retreat, and Angel does just that while Venom covers them. He webs up the exit when he sees a spy and goes after him.

I'm sorry but this doesn't turn out well for you.

   Venom questions the old looking local but at the moment he’s not talking. Meanwhile the X-Men drag a bleeding Cyclops through the city. They find refuge and Jean prepares to temporarily patch him up with telekinesis. Venom pops out of the shadows and reveals he has some intel on the symbiotes location, thanks to his powers of, um... persuasion. They move to follow up with the injured X-Man in tow.

Told you so.

   Elsewhere, Corsair and his team are being tortured by Killer Thrill when another symbiote-clad person walks in. The Brood have put in a bid for the Starjammers. Outside, the X-Men and Venom plan to storm inside with a wounded Cyclops while inside, arms dealer Haze Mancer meets with some customers. 

I coulda told them, never trust a dude named "Haze"

   Venom gets the drop on them when Mancer tells the group it was once among his inventory. Suddenly Beast is hit from behind. Maze tries to stop everyone from shooting but Angel slams into one of the vials. Mancer takes out Venom but it’s all to no avail. He turns and sees all the X-Men covered in symbiotes. What will happen next? We’ll have to wait as this issue is left to be continued.

Welp, things just got a little bit worse.

   In my formative comic book years, it was rare to put a crossover story in an annual... at least one that crossed over into other regular books. But that’s exactly what happened here. It’s a little frustrating that readers are baited into reading books from other series. But enough about that. How about this art from Jacopo Camagni? In other news, who the hell is Jacopo Camagni? I give this one an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE.

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