Thursday, March 8, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man #795


Written by Dan Slott
Penciled by Mike Hawthorne
Cover by Alex Ross
Published Feb 7, 2018

   Peter Parker checks out his new low rent digs in Brooklyn. With no money for train fare or extra web fluid, he slums it all the way to the Bugle when an old friend watches from above. Elsewhere Bobbi Morse gets a phone call from Aunt May inviting her and her broken up beau to lunch.

Aunt May is a quick hang-upper.

   Meanwhile Pete walks into the Daily Bugle offices and is immediately scorned by his friends for people spamming about Parker Industries. Suddenly a raven flies in, and bearing the insignia of Doctor Steven Strange, Spider-Man must be going.

In the comic book world, a bird delivering letters is acceptable.

   He walks in and sees Loki in the Doctor's cloak. But it turns out the former supervillain owes the spider a favor. At the same time, Bobbi spills the beans to May that her and Peter have sadly broken up due to having little in common.
   Back at the Sanctum, Loki explains that in return for putting in a good word, he can return Parker back to his days of wealth. He tells the former Asgardian that he's had dealings with messing with time before and he isn't interested. Still, being as animated as he is, he accidentally breaks open a vase, and scores of flying ant monsters explode through the mansion's roof.

   Spider-Man and Loki fly after the demon wasps as they sting two New Yorkers. While he finds out his webbing is useless, Loki explains that his touch as a spider-totem is lethal to them. Spidey leaps onto them and makes quick work of the insects, but punches one of them through the cafe window where Bobbi and Aunt May are. They're unhurt, but he finds that outside, one of the victims has died from his injuries.

Look. Everything is FINE. Except for that one dead guy.

   He asks Loki for the favor. Turn back time to save the man. They find themselves back in the Sanctum Sanctorum before the vase was broken. In kind, Spidey tells Loki he'll spread the word that he's not a total poser. Loki watches him through a crystal ball with Bobbi and Aunt May and wonders when the real payback might be.   The issue wraps with a glimpse into that possible future. Norman Osborne opens the vial with the Carnage symbiote, and as the creature spreads over him, appears to be a little more than he bargained for. What will happen next? We'll have to wait to find out as this issue is left to be continued.

I think they've teased the Red Goblin at the end of like the last 10 issues.

   You know, issues exactly like this one are something that conflicts a reviewer. While it was written months ago, it certainly meets the criteria of Dan Slot kind of mailing it in. Still, my criticism lies with the artwork far more than the story. Mike Hawthorne has Loki looking like Michael Jackson in some panels. And if this is the real Bobbi Morse, Pete's much better off with MJ. And I don't mean the former king of pop. I give this one a 7/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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