Friday, March 16, 2018

Venom #161


Written by Mike Costa
Penciled by Javier Garron
Cover by Javier Rodriguez
Published Feb 7, 2018

   Eddie meets with Liz Alain at Alchamax and learns he’s destroyed all of the serum that keeps the rage under control. The good news though is that he’s healed and he celebrates swinging high above the city. Before leaving, he'd asked Liz out to eat, news that is frustrating for the jealous symbiote. Suddenly he sees classic villain Norton Fester, aka the Looter, and apprehends the scared criminal before Spider-Woman appears with apparent other plans.

Looter has the worst bad guy name since The Stealer, back in the 70's.

   They exchange introductions, but as Spider-Woman doesn't trust Venom, she punches him. He pleads but she's obviously apprehensive and he runs. As he's fleeing, she snaps his web and he's forced to throw the Looter to create a diversion. With no choice, she's forced to rescue him.

Better get movin, Spider-Woman.

   The next day, Eddie is talking with his editor about making Venom the defacto Fact Channel version of the Daily Bugle's Spider-Man but she prefers to keep him as a monster. As he leaves dejected, Spider-Woman spies on him. Back home, he lifts weights until Spider-Woman knocks, sucker punching him. She drags his unconscious body until the symbiote intervenes, enveloping her and showing her Venom's true intentions.Later the alien explains it needs Eddie to control it. Finally understanding, she leaves.

Oh ok, I get it now.

   Eddie comes to as the food delivery guy brings him his noodles. Venom explains that Spider-Woman came by and it showed her that they're now heroes. With that, this issue and very short story arc come to a close.
   You know, it's no secret I love one shots and this kind is perfect. As Cullen Bunn takes the reigns for a few issues with the, of course, next multi issue and title crossover, Mike Costa shows that when given a single issue, he can clearly shine. Also as the book is a revolving door of pencilers, Javier Garron deserves credit in a guest penciler role. He's still better than half the artists on regular assignments in Marvel's stable. This is the perfect issue. I give it a 9/10.

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