Monday, March 19, 2018

Avengers #680


Written by Mark Waid, Al Ewing, and Jim Zub
Penciled by Kim Jacinto
Cover by Mark Brooks
Published Feb 14, 2018

   In Rome, Rogue tries to digest the news of Johnny Storm’s passing. Voyager tries to fire everyone up when Hercules says to give her a moment. She rallies though, the team prepares to fight again. Back at Avengers HQ, Roberto gets the news from Falcon, who’s team is in Peru. But they discuss the 2 new pyramoids seen. Red Hulk de-hulks and Dr Voodoo swaps him out for himself, Sunspot, and Scarlet Witch.

Red Hulk: Off The Roids.

   In addition to them, Wasp finds herself reanimated and joins the team as they wait on a Quinjet. Meanwhile Wonder-Man heads back to New York to check on Jarvis. He gives the news about Human Torch to Beast and new Wasp, and later Wasp has an idea. Use Wonder Man’s powers to pull the radiation from Jarvis’ body. He tries but there’s nothing there. Whatever is harming the Avengers’ longterm butler is not nuclear fallout.

Usually this works.

   In the Antarctic, the Black Order appears as Ebony Maw is immediately hit with Mjolnir. Rogue attacks Corvus Glaive and Hercules wrestles Black Swan. The fight stays evenly matched, and Rogue removes a glove. As she quietly mourns Johnny and the teams trade blows, she grabs Corvus’ face. She drains him of power and punches through his head. Proxima Midnight tries to cheer the team on but Black Swan pulls them back and retreats.

Look at the time.

   Supergiant curses Thor but is cut down from behind by the Lethal Legion’s Ferene The Other, claiming victory for their side. The issue wraps with a mystery character in Arizona lamenting some other unnamed character won’t die. What does it all mean? We’ll have to wait to find out in 7 days.
   Again, this book is still completely able to reel me in. For as many weeks as it’s been going on weekly, it hasn’t failed. The storytelling is top notch and the artwork still continues to crush. Where has this series been? I give it a 9/10.   

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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