Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Old Man Logan #34


Written by Ed Brisson
Penciled by Ibrahim Roberson
Cover by Mike Deodato Jr.
Published Jan 31, 2018

   The issue opens with the legend of Clan Yashida repelling the Hand from Madripoor. The story changes on whom the victor of their first battle was. But the result was the same. Yashida was victorious. Today they aim to use Regenix to gain a new foothold. But as Logan takes some time to heal, Mariko realizes he ain’t what he used to be.

This usually works for me as well.

   He cracks open a beer, and renewed with a little of his old spirit, they make their way onto the streets to find the Crazy Thunder Clan. As their investigation begins, they find a few junkies. It takes a little convincing but one finally agrees to bring them to them.

Oh, the CRAZY Thunder Clan. Ok.. I see what you mean.

   Meanwhile Kenji screams at his scientists who continue to injure themselves trying to reverse engineer the stolen Regenix when en explosion interrupts his tirade. Gorgon and an army of Hand soldiers walk in. Logan and Mariko hear it as well, but as they follow the junkie, he leads them into an ambush. They obviously kill him, forcing the other two into a battle they weren't prepared for. They eventually get the upperhand and head towards the explosion.

Now I know Logan is old, but doesn't he at least know to put the bandages on his actual legs, not his pants?

   Gorgon has Kenji kneel in front of him. As the gangster tries to bribe him into going into business, the Hand leader is unimpressed. He looks him in the eyes, turning him to stone and later shattering him. As they then raid the safe of the remaining samples, Logan and the Scarlet Samurai pull their weapons. They fight, and through insults, Gorgon and the soldiers are quickly laid out.

Well that was easy.

   The issue wraps with Logan, rife with stab wounds, praising his former love interest. But again, with his healing factor not being what it once was, he collapses. What will happen next? We'll have to wait to find out as this issue is left to be continued.
   You know, this series is still crushing it for me. It really feels like just as good as the Frank Miller/Chris Clarmont eras. Although the All New Wolverine carries the official title, this book is just as good as the regular series from 1988. Legacy numbering aside, this is the real Wolvie to me. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE.

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