Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Avengers #678


Written by Mark Waid, Al Ewing, and Jim Zub
Penciled by Pepe Larraz
Cover by Mark Brooks
Published Jan 31, 2018

   In Peru, the Avengers gather but Torch rushes into the battle without any thought. Below them, the Lethal Legion and Black Order battle it out. Meanwhile in Rome, the Lethal Legion’s Blood Brothers debate what to do with the frozen Quicksilver when the rest of the Unity Squad shows up. Metal Master quickly sieges Mjolnir and pegs Cannonball in the head. As they move to kill Quicksilver, Lightning takes them out and as Rogue overhears, it all appears to be some kind of game.

Ah can only wondah what kindah game this is.

   The two players are the Grandmaster and the Challenger and as they square off, the Peru Avengers storm into battle behind Johnny Storm.  Synapse is able to use her powers to figure out who they’re dealing with. With the information incoming, Wonder Man convinces them to observe.


   In Rome, Voyager teleports to check for backup but instead is used to port the injured Cannonball and frozen Quicksilver home. While back at Headquarters, Scarlet Witch has Vision back online but buffering. Before he re-freezes though, he seems to not recognize Voyager. Meanwhile back in Rome, Metal Master has his hands full with Supergiant. The Black Dwarf makes it to the pyramoid first, sacrificing himself and disintegrating. Rogue sends Lightning to warn the team in Peru from touching it.

Ah never had to deal with this in the X-Men.

   Before he can arrive, the two contesting teams are essentially being saved from killing each other by the Avengers. He gets there just as Human Torch is making a bee-line for the pyramoid with Proxima Midnight's trident in tow. Red Hulk also makes an attempt but the first there is Johnny Storm. He screams, but we'll have to wait to see what happens next as this issue ls left to be continued.

Great. Now we're down to the Fantastic One.

   This week it was announced that Avengers will be relaunched in May by Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness, just when you've come to love these three teams. It's fitting as we're slowly learning about Jane Foster's demise, the re-emergence of Captain America, and what I'd like to think is the X-Men demanding Rogue back. While I'm sad to see Marvel Legacy end it's run, it'll be fun to scramble the teams a little bit. Plus Captain Marvel and even Ghost Rider in the fold, it's pretty guaranteed that anything can happen. As far as this issue, it's still as good as ever. I give it a 9/10.

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