Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Cable #154


Written by Ed Brisson
Penciled by Jon Malin
Cover by Jon Malin
Published Feb 14, 2018

   In the past, Selene has come begging Cable's team for protection, a task which some of them have a hard time with. Cable agrees if she releases Blink, preventing a cataclysmic future. She agrees but before anyone can take a breath, Gideon's already found them.

X-23 literally brought nothing to this story.

   He crashes the Blackbird and hovers in front of them with Absolom at his side. Shatterstar and Wolverine rush him but are repelled. As he moves to destroy Cable, they fire at him but he's able to see the attack with Burke's power of precog. One that can't though is Absolom and Cable shoots him. He's enraged and with cleared minds, the newer mutants attack.
   Gideon easily counters and threatens to kill all of them to get to Selene, who's coincidentally had enough. She explains to her former teammate that External power is meant to be spread out. Too much power will destroy any one of them. Cable tells him that he's seen the future and knows this current attempt fails.

Girl, you know it's true.

   Blink uses the distraction to open a portal, place it around Gideon's head and closes it, decapitating him. Cable knocks Absolom out and tells his team to gather any containment units left from the Blackbird. They bag up the Externals before they can reanimate and Cable gives his thanks to the team, and Blink teleports them home.

Let's bounce.

   Cable slowly disperses his team, telling Blink to stick with Longshot for guidance. With that he bodyslides into the future with the two Externals. The issue wraps in a hospital in Canada. A newborn baby is born, but as he opens his eyes, they glow purple. What that means though, we'll have to wait for - as this issue and story arc are concluded.   
...but what does this MEAN?!

Man, this was a great story. Although it felt like we were on a recent Longshot overload with the Mojo, X-Men crossover, it was very cool seeing him work together with Shatterstar. Unfortunately it was a missed opportunity to discuss whether the two are still father and son to each other, which if you remember from X-Factor a few years ago, was never really settled. Either way, it seems like the team is disbanded following this issue, so I guess we're left to see if they ever join up again. I give this one an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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