Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Captain America #698


Written by Mark Waid
Penciled by Chris Samnee
Cover by Chris Samnee
Published Feb 14, 2018

   Cap begins to thaw amidst the rattling of jostling of a truck. A talking dog-boy references stealing him to a person named Liang, the driver. He flies out of the back and attacks the crowd gathered, when they beg him to stop, and show him the wasteland that America has become.

Gross. Put me back in the ice.

   Liang explains that an upper class used the frozen Captain America as a symbol, but her explanation is interrupted by invading troops responding to the assembly. She hides him but one of their own didn't make it out. Cap struggles to save the man but the others restrain him as the troops blow him away. He's upset she wouldn't let him intervene and she goes on with the story.

Normally Cap gets to be the one who gets everyone in trouble.

   Rampart infiltrated the government and eradicated 90% of the population. Lead by King Maximilian Babbington, he coddled the bourgeoisie while he peddled fear to the masses. Media is run by the state, with no such thing as due process. As her explanation continues, Cap is shocked to hear he's only been frozen again for less than a decade.

"Dang, y'all f**ked it up this bad in like 6 years?!"

   Meanwhile at the castle, an underling is forced to deal with the circumstances of the Captain America monument going missing. He goes before the king to explain, but as he begins to speak, Babbington has him annihilated and orders more troops to find Steve Rogers.

Clean up on Isle 7.

   The issue wraps with 2 children walking down the street when their spotted by a drone who recognizes the icon on one of their t-shirts. It's quickly destroyed by Cap's shield and he rides the drone into a building filled with Rampart. One of them trains a rifle on Cap when it's hit from behind by Liang. He snaps a selfie with the kids and explains to his group they have a job to do. It's time to take their country back. And with that, this issue is left to be continued.

It's go-time.

   I don't care what anybody says - Mark Waid is probably one of the greatest storytellers in the game right now. To usher the great Steve Rogers back into his most iconic role as the greatest Avenger, I don't know who else I'd trust more behind the keyboard. Chris Samnee's artwork is done in a classic style befitting such a character and really helps to solidify this book as a true underrated gem. I give this one a 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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