Monday, March 12, 2018

Infinity Countdown: Adam Warlock #1


Written by Gerry Duggan
Penciled by Michael Allred
Cover by Aaron Kudar
Published Feb 7, 2018

   Adam Warlock emerges from his cacoon in Kang’s citadel. He’s summoned Warlock to show him his place in the universe. First his past, as images of his creation and not understanding his purpose flood the page. Later his physical form is shot to space to heal, until he was discovered by the High Evolutionary and given the soul gem. With that power he was able to eventually defeat even Thanos until he entered the soul gem to retreat.

The soul gem looked like the jam. The soul... JAM. Ha. I crack myself up.

   Warlock tells Kang they should stop wasting time and summon the Guardians, but Kang shows him the dead earth and an image of every superhero lying dead on the ground. To thwart this, he’s developed a plan to send Adam into the past before it happened, though they’ve failed countless times. He pushes him into the portal but is apparently already feeling pretty negative about their chances, later going on some maniacal rant about being the true master of time before fading away.

"Adam Warlock will help us... BUT I'M THE TRUE MASTER OF TIME!"

   When he materializes, Warlock is in ancient Egypt. The locals of course try to kill him after he seeks an audience with their ruler, eventually meeting with the ancient Kang himself. He needs to know where the Soul Gem is, and Kang has learned of its location in 2018. They walk with torches into a concrete temple, built especially for Warlock and his eventual arrival. A celestium displays the star where Adam must eventually go. There he will find his dark reflection, Magus, armed with the stone.

Ugh. These drawings though.

   He walks into the tomb and Kang stabs him in the back. As time travel is too risky, the only way to get him to the present is to allow him to hibernate until 2018. His servants drink poison as a way to cover any tracks and Kang bodes Warlock a good rest. With that, this issue ends and the Infinity Countdown is officially on.

Warlock would rather be dead than have to be drawn by Allred anymore.

   Man, if I ever complain about artwork, there's one thing I should be thankful for. At least the Allred's are usually limited to one shots like this one. If they drew for any other books I normally read, I'd likely have to abandon it. Either way, this was just a kickoff book to I guess explain how Adam Warlock knows what's going on. Seems like it could have been easier for him to just walk through a door, but who knows. Due to the writing, I give this one an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE.

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