Thursday, March 1, 2018

Action Comics #996


Written by Dan Jurgens
Penciled by Will Conrad
Cover by Dan Jurgens
Published Jan 24, 2018

   Lois Lane stows away on an aircraft over Logamba and thanks to some connections, parachutes over the country her father was captured in. While Booster and Supes ponder a statue of Zod, she makes her way through the jungle, unknowingly with Jon in tow.

Oh don't worry, Superman. I'm sure everything's fine/

  Meanwhile her husband is ordered to kneel by a sensory droid while Booster destroys it. Skeets explains they’re on a planet captured by Zod when  they’re discovered by an Eradicator droid. Superman makes quick work of it, and although their time machine is busted, Skeets identifies the droid as proof replacement parts can be found on this planet.

Well, there's some good news...

   In Logamba, Lois meets with a contact in the Order. As they make their way to the palace, they’re discovered by soldiers and their alibi is shaky at best. They take out the troops and Lois sends her guide away as the journey proves to be too dangerous. While she plots, Superman and Booster march into the city disguised as prisoners. Superman wants to free the slave planet but Booster explains they have to save them through time.

Breaking news... I have another dumb idea.

   As they continue, they’re discovered by Eradicator guards they’re able to destroy. Problem is they aren’t prepared for what’s next. The actual, real Eradicator has found them. He busts them as time travelers, and although Superman is able to hold his own in a fight against his  faux-counterpart, it continuiously uses the pronoun “we”. Without warning, a speeding shadow flies upon them with memories of Superman torturing him as a child. Lor-Zod, son of Zod proclaims to be their judge, jury, and executioner. What will happen next? We’ll have to wait as this issue is left to be continued.

Kneel before the number four on the floor mor a de lor Zod Lor!

   I mentioned previously that monthly books with this many parts have a hard time pulling me along but this one is a bit of an exception. I’m beginning to make a very sad realization. Although I don’t read more than one Batman book, while for example, I read I think... four X-Men books, DC seems to have more publishing involvement in storylines then the Marvel of today comes close to and that’s terribly disappointing. Recently I noticed DC has switched to a similar subscription model as Marvel. I’d venture to believe a digital copy could be forthcoming, which draws parity between these to magnates even closer together. As for this issue, I give it a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE.

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