Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Incredible Hulk #712


Written by Greg Pak
Penciled by Greg Land
Cover by Greg Land
Published Jan 31, 2018

   Hulk and Odinson battle fiercely when Amadeus tries to get his friend’s attention. He’s been stuck with something... an obedience disk, and unfortunately it’s controlled by he Warlord’s lieutenant, Lickspit. Thor tells him he has no choice while Maeera begs Hulk to fight back. If not, everyone in the Clan Doka’abi will die.
   He heeds her warning and punches Odinson into the wall, who responds by telling him to stop holding back. Once again we leap into the tired euphemism of Amadeus driving the car with Hulk in the trunk. He gets out and tries to drive while Amadeus has to continuously fight for control.
   Back at the fight, Thor prepares for the monster but he surprises him. Over the next few panels, they fight with the Hulk in control until Odinson prepares to finally deliver the fatal below. Turns out though it was just a ploy and Hulk levels him. With Thor lying on the ground, the obedience disk is crushed and Hulk introduces the Asgardian to all of his friends..
   The issue wraps with the Warlord threatening the crowd and yelling at Lickspit. But on the walk back, he reveals the ultimate weapon. An old nuclear missile with the Soviet Union’s hammer and sickle. Finally the Warlord will have his revenge. Or will he? We’ll have to wait until the next issue to find out.
   This series has finally reached it’s peak with me. Like I’ve said before, when you have a monthly book it’s tough to drag an arc out this long. This is part 4. Obviously there will be a part 5. So five months of comics back on Planet Hulk. I’m starting to get the feeling it’s just a ruse to keep Hulk off the grid and well, I’m a little for him to go back. I give this one a 6/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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