Friday, June 9, 2017

X-Men Blue #4

Written by Cullen Bunn
Penciled by Julian Lopez
Cover by Arthur Adams
Published May 24, 2017

   The young X-Men fly on the Blackbird and Jean receives some odd readings from Cerebro. The signal takes them to Arrow Ridge, Colorado. As Warren scans from the air, the others walk the ground until they spot a body. Seeing that his heart has been cut out, they debate their next move when a local sheriff happens upon them with her pistol drawn. She recognizes them from TV, and she assumes they're here for the other mutant she recognized from TV - the one with the claws. They describe Old Man Logan but this clawed mutant is younger.
   She describes how he saved her from Wendigo. She explains she thinks he's alone and afraid and as they all discuss, finding him is a priority for all of them. They keep walking and eventually hear the unmistakeable sound of adamantium claws popping out. 
To quote the great Wolverine, that sound means "That's your ass."

He stands before them, telling them they shouldn't have come here. Scott tells Jean to shut him down but he has some kind of psychic block preventing her from reading his mind. Cyclops blasts a tree above him and the mutant tells Slim he missed his chance. Suddenly Jean blasts him with something that puts him down. They talk and Beast explains to everyone that this is Wolverine's son, Jimmy Hudson.
   He pops back up, nearly slashing Iceman. Beast explains to everyone they fought a battle with him in another reality but he wasn't wild like this. He tells them all he's never going back, as Jean explains they fought Dr Doom aside him once. As he nearly kills the young teammates, the sheriff unloads the pistol on him as a hulked up Iceman levels the knockout punch.

Hey - I didn't know he could do that.

   As he lays motionless, Beast wonders about his healing factor but the sheriff confirms he can do it, while Lopez has to draw Bobby flitting around for good measure. As he begins to stir, Jean calls his name and they decide to go to a quiet place to talk. A bar in the snowy outskirts sets the scene while James explains he doesn't know where exactly he was afraid the X-Men planned to take him.  
   Scott too is confused about this parallel universe talk, and Jean tries her best to recap. They'd met a young mutant who could move between worlds. They ended up in an alternate reality with it's own X-Men. Jimmy was there along with other versions of Jean and Iceman. Angel's counterpart was apparently already dead. Jimmy apologizes for not remembering anything when everything in the tavern begins to rumble and float. They look up to see the New Marauders - alternate X-Men from a different universe and with that, we're left to be continued.

We're the cool new X-Men. The ones Fox doesn't have all the rights to.

  Cullen Bunn is doing work. In the wake of X-Men Gold being so bad, this book continues to excel and set itself apart as the definitive X-book among all the rest - at least so far. Every character is layered and growing, and the art is crisp and colorful as well. This one is driving to the top of my list to unseat the spot once held so long by Extraordinary X-Men, and it has me looking forward to the next one. I give it a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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