Monday, June 19, 2017

Justice League #22

Written by Shea Fontana
Penciled by Philippe Briones 
Cover by Paul Pelletier
Published Jun 7, 2017

   Simon and Jess roll out with their lantern powers to deflect an asteroid away from Earth. Once complete, Jess complains that both Wonder Woman and Batman seem to look right past her. He said it takes time and they make their way back to the Watchtower for their interview. Before they arrive, Lois Lane wraps with Wonder Woman as Superman remarks he can't believe her editor allowed her to write puff piece on their HQ. 
Great. More Jon.

   The lanterns return triumphant and Simon high fives Jon-El. He later gets a grown up handshake from Batman but the laid back attitude is short lived. Cyborg reads millions of microscopic organisms on the two lanterns while Jessica understandably freaks out. They pick up the signals all over the Watchtower. A conference call with both Aquaman and Flash nixes a reentry with Earth until more is known and therefore, these heroes are officially quarantined. 
Lock us down, Batman.

   Superman, Batman, and Lois all head for the computers to research, when Lois hits on something. A spieces of krill found in Antarctica has similar behavioral tendencies. Meanwhile the Lanterns take the blame hard. Baz throws a chair before being summoned by Wonder Woman, and same for Jess while taking a shower. Cyborg has a heart to heart with Jon and bond over some gaming while we later find out just what Wonder Woman wanted with the lanterns. A training session gets hard and heavy and the two earn some respect from the long term member of the league - but not without a painful lesson. Suddenly and without warning, the microorganisms swarm through the vents and surround them.
Couldn't it possibly Wonder Woman too? I mean, she's a movie star now!

   The three of them fight back as well as they can when the rest of the team reports thanks to a distress signal. The swarm forms the shape of a young woman and Lois notices Queen-seeking behavior. As the mass moves towards Jessica they realize it's emulating her. Keeping her away from them only seems to anger them so Batman and Superman convince her to relax and control them. She does so, and they're able to goad her into a large holding cell Simon makes with lantern energy... 
My ant farm USED to be that cool. ok...not really.

   Later they locate the Queen on Jess and she contains it in a lantern tube. They bring the mass to a nearby asteroid and let the Queen go on it. Removing the force field frees the colony and they follow her. When they get back to the tower, Wonder Woman tells them they did well. Jessica thanks her for training them and she says she was training WITH them. They're both overjoyed, prompting Jess to fly outside the Watchtower jubilantly... and with that, this one shot is concluded.
   The last issue of Batman I read was a well needed one shot, and I commented how it's rare and such a breath of fresh air. Then low and behold the very next Justice League is the same way. This was a good story and it all felt perfectly spaced and natural in one book. I don't know if Shea Fontana is here to stay but if Bryan Hitch just needed a break, they picked someone who could certainly carry his torch. Nothing really gained but nothing really lost either.... I give this one a 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for watching. 

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