Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Daredevil #21

Written by Charles Soule
Penciled by Goran Sudzuka
Cover by Dan Panosian
Published Jun 7 2017

   After getting back to New York after a longterm stay in San Francisco, Daredevil's plan to rid the city of crime is coming to fruition. After a smelly garbage truck passes by, he listens into a conversation. A doomsday prepper group prepares for an assault on the city. Daredevil radios Luke Cage, and tells him that apparently the deal this gang had worked with the Black Cat has yielded some high-tech firepower. Luke kicks in the door, and stares down the barrels of some pretty big guns. They shoot and one of the bad guys recognizes him. But while he may have bulletproof skin, even he can't take this kind of heat for too long.
Ow. That hurts.

   Flashback to the DA's office earlier. Matt Murdock presents a plan to tie costumed super villains directly to the state's criminal justice system. Although it can have a detrimental effects on heroes as well, but Matt tells him it's a risk they're willing to take. He's spoken with Daredevil who is also on board. Handing the binder back to the attorney, he asks how all this info was compiled. But while Murdock's mind pines over the adventures with Spider-Man on how he came by it all, the DA realizes he'd rather not know. Only order he has is whatever happens, keep it quiet. 
Matt's strategy for not telling where he got his info is just to not say anything...

   Daredevil leaps from the rooftop. Determined not to let Luke fight alone, he's joined by a secret weapon. Echo and Daredevil engage in a near dance and she lets him lead. Only problem is he misses a step but luckily Luke gets a punch in on the guy. He compliments Echo but wondering why Daredevil has to explain it, he later learns she's deaf. Daredevil asks the head perp Ammo if they were gonna really end the world and he tells him they were just the diversion. The Big Bang is still coming...
Big Bang Theory is on?!?!

   Daredevil realizes that initial garbage truck seemed out of place. They take off to find it and following his nose, they track it to right outside the courthouse about three minutes before the things about to blow. They stop the driver and after finding out he can't disarm it, Daredevil tells Luke to get in the truck with him. That's the bomb. They leap in and drive it towards the bridge. Once they're safely at the top of it, Luke steers it into the guardrail and Daredevil pulls him out the passenger door. The truck careens off the bridge and explodes out of harm's way.
   At his office the next day, the District Attorney asks what happened to the quiet surveillance mission? Murdock tells him that without Daredevil doing what he did, hundreds of people would have been killed. Now he has to build a case around the truck driver. The next day, a witness is called to the stand to testify. As he's sworn in, Matt thinks to himself that this is it. This is the end of the crime in New York. The issue wraps by showing whom it was on the stand being called and there stands Daredevil. The whole truth. So help him God. And with that we're left to be continued. 
Best dressed attorney EVAR!

   I'm not sure where Ron Garney is, but Goran Sudzuku does a good job paying homage. Still with minimalist colors, the book makes easy work for the inker and all the while is fortified with some excellent storytelling. I enjoyed the whole Purple Children saga and this continues fresh off it's heels. Even with one of DD's Defenders teammates in tow, it's all solid the whole way through. Charles Soule is still able to focus on a simple story still layered without having to go in too many different directions. Daredevil is like Batman. You know what you're gonna get. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE

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