Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Justice League #21

Written by Bryan Hitch
Penciled by Bryan Hitch
Cover by Bryan Hitch
Published May 17, 2017

   In Queens, Jason Taylor cancels a family trip. A new project at work has him tied up and he's gotten orders from his boss Tony. His wife tells him that the kids will be disappointed but as he tells her, the contract could be worth billions to his company... All from his design. He asks his wife to come to the presentation as well. He leaves with a kiss and plans to change their world. Hopefully for the better.
Oh don't worry, hun. EVERYTHING is gonna be just fine!

   Meanwhile, the Justice League battles some huge alien while Flash tries to recall what happened. He explains to Batman that it's somehow his fault that Jessica and everyone at the presentation is dead. Batman is confused. Barry recaps all of his time jumping, convinced the bomb detonated because of his connection with the speed force. Batman concludes that the rest of the League can handle super alien man, and the two of them head for the military presentation.
   Batman does all he can to keep Flash calm. Checking to make sure Jessica is in fact still alive, they enter the facility. Batman changes into a security guard disguise and tells Flash to go through the computers. As he enters the hall, Flash tells him they're looking for Jason Taylor. They spot him being approached by his boss Tony Parker. Fresh from their alien battle, Flash radios Cyborg to pine through the computer's encrypted drives.
Shittiest Batman costume ever.

   Back at the presentation, Batman eavesdrops on Tony and Jason's conversation. Turns out that Tony has been having an affair with Jason's wife. He tells his boss that after this exhibition, he'll no longer be part of Tony's division and he'll be all alone. Jason walks out into the hall to start the show.
   Victor finished the encrypted files... mentioning something about a package being delivered. Meanwhile Wonder Woman and Aquaman sense panic and fear int he alien. Cyborg goes on to tell Flash and Batman that the files indicate stolen alien technology. Batman approaches Taylor, explaining that the device is about to explode and kill everyone there. Jason tries to override it but there's been some authorization codes inputted from a higher clearance... obviously the work of Jason's boss.
"We have information this thing is going to kill 400 people..." - said no security guard ever.

   Batman calls the rest of the League in and they all rush to evacuate the entire facility. Over 400 attendees are transported in seconds. Back at the weapon site, Cyborg, Superman, and Green Lantern work to contain the object but can't do it. Slowly the alien reemerges. It attacks, and the League moves to return fire but Wonder Woman and Aquaman back them off. There's harmony between the alien and the weapon. It explains to them that it's known as the StarHeart, sent to investigate the events of the Kindred a few issues prior. Relieved that it's now safe, the alien leaves but not before issuing a warning to the Justice League.
   The issue concludes with a happy reunion with Taylor and his family, and later a dinner with our heroes. The party is anything but happy though, with constant killjoy Batman reminding them that first with the Kindred, the fear things, Molly and the Timeless, something is coming. We don't know when but we need to be ready..." and with that, this story arc is concluded.
I know we're all having a swell time. Now let me ruin it real quick.

   Like I've said before, you simply cannot go wrong with this series. The only thing that keeps DC second to Marvel in my observation anyway is the tendency to not mix availability of digital downloads with print subscriptions. Other than that, their books run circles around a vast majority of Marvel books in not only artwork but most certainly writing. This is no exception. I enjoyed this one. I give it a solid 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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