Friday, June 16, 2017

Amazing Spider-Man #28

Written by Dan Slott
Penciled by Stuart Immonen
Lame Cover by Alex Ross
Published Jun 7 2017


    In Symkaria, Silver Sable, Mockingbird, and Spider-Man watch a missile full of Goblin Serum take off. Bobbi Morse flies after it while Spider-Man and Sable plan to storm castle Karnov. In the air, Bobbi calls Nick Fury and though she's no longer a member of SHIELD, is able to get Fury's attention because of the launch.
Guess where I am, Nick!

   When Spidey and Sable get inside, they interrupt Countess Karnov's doomed address to her people. The Wild Pack attempt to evacuate the city while the countess and Silver Sable plan to duel to the death. Spider-man finds Norman Osborne who threatens to detonate the missile and runs away, leaving a cloud of purple smoke that disables the webhead's powers. Trying to work through it, he also discovers the goblin has activated an electromagnetic pulse disabling his webshooters and goggles. Asking what he ever did to Spider-Man prompts him to remember Gwen Stacey and he tackles Osborne through a castle window.

This one's for Gwen!

   Mockingbird calls upon the Spider-planes to help bring down the rocket while Silver Sable continues battling the Countess. Meanwhile Spider-man and Osborne continue fighting in the snow, when Spidey asks why Osborne didn't poison him to death. Norman tells him he wanted to force the bug to watch as the bomb detonated.. he counts down and nothing happens. Mockingbird confirms Foxtrot stopped it with a web from the Spider-Plane while Sable bests Karnov and Spider-Man brains Norman with a rock. Punch after punch, he asks Goblin how he doesn't get it. He won't ever give up and in the end will always win.

You suck, Norm. And you always will!

   SHIELD planes paint the sky overhead and Spider-Man passes out. When he comes to, he's staring at Mockingbird, Silver Sable, and Nick Fury. He tells Nick he's welcome and Fury responds with severing all ties with him and Parker Industries. And speaking of, he meets a convoy of trucks from the Uncle Ben Foundation delivering goods to the people being led by none other than Aunt May and Harry Osborne. He tells Harry that the foundation is covered - that he should go home to be with his kids and Harry tells him that yes. Family is all that matters.

Family matters, Harry.

   The issue wraps with a panel showing Norman sailing aboard a vessel, mentioning how he's hidden all of his assets and will stop at nothing to get the Spider. Only thing is next time, he'll be doing it in his mask. The Green Goblin shall live again and with that, this storyline is concluded...
   Dan Slott gets a lot of grief on social media for reasons I'll never understand. His run on Amazing might not be earth shattering but to say he isn't holding his own is an understatement. I really enjoy his writing style and he knows how to wrap it all up without a whole lot of loose ends. Plus he keeps Parker's quip-heavy monologue going as well. The art is crisp and bright but can darken up when it has to. Maybe it's not Tom King level stuff but he isn't Batman so it's not like you can brood him up all that much anyway. I dug this issue and I give it a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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