Thursday, June 8, 2017

Infamous Iron Man #8

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by Alex Maleev
Cover by Alex Maleev
Published May 24, 2017

   Riri Williams and the digital reproduction of Tony Stark's consciousness break the sound barrier on their way to Latveria. She intends to attack Doom on his own soil, which her A.I. has lambasted as an unwise move. Once arriving, the castle is in ruins because of Doom losing control of the country.
   She walks in and sees what she thinks is empty armor. Turns out she's wrong - and after taking off the mask, Doctor Victor Von Doom stands before her. Not exactly knowing how he'll react, she tells him he can't be Iron Man anymore.  
I know we just met - but you can't steal that costume anymore. ONLY I CAN!
    Back in Manhattan, Reed Richards sits in an apartment recanting familiar stories to Benjamin Grimm, proving that it is indeed the real Mr. Fantastic. Predictably, he's pretty mad at this revelation, grabbing him and about to go full clobbering time. Back in Latveria, Doom asks Riri if she came to fight him. She says she came to stop him from ruining Tony Stark's legacy. He asks her why she left MIT and she says because of boredom mostly. Doom begins a long explanation about a frontiersman who researched native american tribes. In it's research, he had a vision quest, which Doom describes having one himself. He saw the future, and in returning to Castle Doom, hoped to meditate on it to have it again.  
   At the apartment, Ben asks about Susan Richards. Reed tells him that she's fine. She in fact has no idea that he's here. But what Reed asks of Ben next will certainly not help convince him that he's the real Reed. No matter, he asks anyway. He tells Ben he needs him to kill Dr. Doom - no matter the cost. 
Sure it sounds weird. But now that guy is good and now I'm bad. You follow?
   The issue wraps back at Castle Doom, where Victor asks Riri to attack him in order to recreate the stress he was under when he had the vision. Although hesitant, her computer tells her it's an opportunity she shouldn't pass up. It takes 2 blasts at level 9 repulsor GBD's, but he finally gets there. A foggy blue image of current striking various contact points emerges, and he looks up to see a caped figure approaching. He explains it took years of research, and who knows how much time he'll have to explain. Finally floating into sight, an older Tony Stark hovers towards him, and what he has to ask him will be even more shocking. However it will have to wait until the next issue as we're left to be continued.
I'm from the future - you know.. Hippie Tony Stark.

   I can't really get enough of this book. I don't know why. It's odd to really see a version of Doom gone legit, but it's amazingly believable. Bendis does a great job shaping this new character and his quest for redemption. I don't really get what's happening between him, Reed Richards, his mother or Tony but the way it's building is fantastic and I don't know if I want it to end. I give it a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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