Thursday, June 22, 2017

Batman #24

Written by Tom King
Penciled by David Finch and Clay Mann
Cover by David Finch
Published Jun 7 2017

   Tonight as the Catwoman suits up, the dialogue spoken between Batman and Gotham girl is displayed over the page. Earlier today, the two of them sit atop a antenna spire over the city. She asks Batman what's next. Her brother and her parents are all gone. As we see the cat leap from the window, Claire asks if she should be a superhero? Her brother was the one who longed for that. Should she go back to being normal? Batman asks what's normal? Could he go back to being normal and he says that no, he could not.
I'm a guy in a batsuit. What's normal?!

   She says she thought he'd tell her to just go home and live life as long as she could. He mockingly tells her so but she again asks what's next? He tells her he doesn't know. After his parents died, he became Batman - against Alfred's wishes. She asks if he likes being Batman and he tells her it doesn't matter. Does she want to be a hero? He tells her he isn't happy being Batman. He just IS Batman. He tries to do it to be happy but he fails.

   She realizes she never said thank you for saving her. For the Psycho Pirate, Santa Prisca, Bane - all of it. He tells her he doesn't fly because he doesn't need to. So she decides that yes, she'll be a superhero. He tells her he knows a guy in Europe that will teach her to fight without powers. She asks him why can't he be happy and he tells her he's scared. She tells him it's ok. Everybody's scared. We get to fight that fear. We have the chance to be brave.
   The issue takes a turn. Claire and Bruce's conversation trails off. It's not about what he wants to do. There he stands in the night rain and calls to the Cat. She gazes up at him. When he first met her on the boat... The street, she corrects him... but no. It was the boat. She'd stolen a diamond from him and he bought it back, only to hold onto it for years. He knew... even at the beginning. He'd need it - just like he needs her. He pulls his cowl back and tells her he's scared. There Bruce and Selina's eyes meet and he tells her he loves her. Holding the diamond set in a ring he'd been carrying for so long, he asks her to marry him. And with that, we're left to be continued.
Ok - this got me in the bat feels. Not gonna lie...

   Amazing epilogue to the last few issues. Gotham Girl is healed and pondering her next move coupled with a Bat-Engagement?! If only Adam West were here to see it. I don't really understand why this book took 2 teams of pencilers and inkers but I mean, it IS summer and they want to put a new issue out every 30 seconds. Either way, I'll allow it. Layered and beautiful artwork paired with great dialogue. What's not to love? I give it a super-as-usual bat 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE

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