Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Infamous Iron Man #1

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by Alex Maleev
Cover by Alex Maleev
Published Oct  19, 2016

   In the Cabal, Victor Von Doom meets with some of his hero and villain contemporaries for a discussion but the Hood seems to be asking a few too many questions. As they're waiting for Norman Osborn, he asks Doom about fighting a lower demon spirit for the freedom of his mother. Against the behest of the guests, he keeps asking. Doom reveals that he did in fact beat the demon. Not satisfied, he keeps asking until Doom teleports him to India.

Hood gets to check out some Bollywood!

   The supervillain Diablo experiments with potions. His subject is the kidnapped director of SHIELD, Maria Hill, whom after a long discussion about not being on the list of most feared superpowered terrorists of all time, reveals he intends to pry from her the security codes for the helicarriers and the Triskilion. However in walks Doom who tells him he's a cheap scientist using cheap science. They battle briefly and Doom appears to disintegrate him. He frees the surprised director who can't believe this is happening.

As if this is the first time a SHIELD director has been kidnapped... and then freed by Dr. Doom. Oh wait...

   Victor visits Dr. Amara Perera at Cambridge in her lab he basically created. They discuss Tony's apparent death and she asks what he's doing there. He says that he plans to right all of the wrongs he's caused. He goes on to say she reminds him of someone and as they move in for a supposed kiss, the image fades and it appears to be a flashback. What is not a flashback though is Benjamin Grimm, Agent of SHIELD who asks if she's seen Doom lately.
   Back in Stark's lab, Victor stares at various prototypes of the Mark suits until the AI voice of Tony tells him "no touching". A fully functional program that the computer labels as his "essence". He asks Victor what he's doing there and he tells him that he now knows what he needs to do. Dr Victor Von Doom will pick up Tony's Mantle and become Iron Man... and the odd cross between a Doom mask and an Iron Man suit flies away from Stark Industries.

It's the only way to fly!

   The issue wraps with an image of Doom's mother. Surrounded by magic paraphernalia, a voice asks her what Victor is doing and the possible answer is that her son as finally found his true calling. With that, we're left to be continued.
   For all the complaining I do about Brian Michael Bendis, I can't help but praise what he's doing in this book. As of this writing, I've read ahead several issues and I can tell you with no doubts this book keeps getting better. Dr Doom has always been an amazing character. What will the world do if he goes straight? Read on because you're about to find out. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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