Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Infamous Iron Man #2

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by Alex Maleev
Cover by Alex Maleev
Published Nov 16, 2016

   At the Latvarian Embassy in DC, the ambassador is told they have a visitor who refuses to leave. Ben The Thing Grimm storms in leaving a path of destruction and demanding to speak to Victor Von Doom. After being threatened with jail and being shot at, Grimm seems perfectly fine with knocking various artifacts to the ground until he gets answers.
I been looking for that!

   In Bolivia, the Mad Thinker walks into his workshop to admire his robots when he realizes the CPU is missing. Doom tells him he's going to take it, and in return spare the criminals life. Julius is disgusted the former villain is now a hero and shoots at him unsuccessfully. He presses a button and his robot army springs to life. Doom thanks him for the opportunity to use his armor in combat and destroys them. He then blasts his former co-villain, allegedly killing him. Walking out of the shop he sees two children staring. Warning them not to go inside, a robot climbs out. Doom suits up and blasts it, saving them and later apologizing for his newness to this whole "saving others from harm" thing.


   Meanwhile in England, Amara walks up her apartment stoop and is surprised by a voice. She shoots at him in self defense, hitting Victor in the shoulder. He's hurt and though she tries to tend to his wound, he was clearly unprepared. He asks for some water and they enter the apartment. She tells him that she doesn't carry a gun because of him, but because of those asking about him. He asks who that might be and she says it's the big guy made out of rock.
   The issue ends with her telling Doom she didn't answer the agent's questions. He plans to leave as the wall explodes and in steps the Thing. He tells him that he's been looking for him everywhere, and moves to attack before Victor puts up a shield to protect Amara and himself. With that, this issue is left to be continued.

Your boy's been breaking shit all night!

   So far this new version of Doctor Doom has killed two bad guys in a pretty non-good guy way. Diablo in the previous book and the Mad Thinker in this one. Obviously being a former villain allows him to take some liberties, which is all the more reason I'm enjoying this title. I give this one a 9/10 and look forward to issue #3 being available on Marvel Unlimited.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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