Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Avengers #8

Written by Mark Waid
Penciled by Jeremy Whitley
Cover by Alex Ross
Published Jun 7 2017

   Wasp broadcasts to any Avengers who can hear her. An unidentified threat has destroyed the Baxter Building. She's cut off by the voice preparing to come after her, and Captain America's shield clanging on the railing beside her. It was two hours previous that Cap and the rest of the team comforted the young lady who'd been entombed in the basement. She strokes Hercules arm when Vision warns them all to get away from her.
So you're saying "Avenger X" doesn't sound like a good guy?

   Her name is Avenger X and she's one of the Avengers greatest enemies. At first endeared, it became apparent she was absorbing their powers and draining their life force in the process. She overwhelms Vision's cooling system and he blows a hole in the top of the building, escaping in the process. Spider-Man reveals that his spider sense was going off when she walked in and Wasp chides him for not saying anything. Falcon orders everyone to help evacuate the building and Wasp to research Avenger X. Meanwhile, Spider-Man hears her sobbing in the ladies room. He goes in and though his spider sense is going crazy, trusts her and webs up her hands just to make sure. It doesn't work, and using Hercules' strength she puts him through the wall before touching his face to steal his powers.
Cassandra's got Spidey in the Cobra Clutch

   Later while Sam is evacuating a floor, she comes walking up. He throws the shield at her and she's able to dodge every single throw. Thinking he's starting to lose a step, Wasp hits him up on comms and tells him she found Spidey. Comparing notes and considering what Vision said, they realize she's stealing powers. Unfortunately she locates Cap, and while Wasp tells her that they want to help her, she tells her that the best strategy is to just run away. Using the strength of Hercules combined with Spider-Man's agility, she throws Cap's shield down the staircase before it eventually knocks Thor's helmet off. Jane tells Nadia to keep running before Avenger X leaps down and attacks.She's eventually cornered but escapes because of her Spider skills. Absorbing the power of Thor, Jane is left too powerless to wield her hammer.
Thor: "You're in trouble now!" Avenger X: "Nuh uh!"

   Finally we're back to where the issue began. Nadia is about to be destroyed when Victor Von Doom shows up. He engages her, realizing that her powers are far too advanced for her to master. Getting the upperhand, he holds her up until getting pummeled by Cap's shield. She readies to attack when Nadia grabs her and shrinks her into the microverse. There they battle. She demands Wasp return her but Nadia refuses. Explaining that she didn't have time to drop a marker, she stalls the villain long enough for Doom to throw Cap's shield. It spins and allows her to make sure she'll return to full size away from any obstacles. He compliments her intelligence, and try as she might to keep him for tea, he has work to do. With that, this issue is concluded.
Isn't he a little old for you anyway, Nadia?

   I'm kind of bummed that this book will join the Secret Empire cabal next issue. They're just starting to get their feet wet as a standalone book and I'm really starting to enjoy where it's headed. I was less enthusiastic with the initial few issues but Waid's storytelling combined with capable artwork makes this book a real contender.I'd rather swap out somebody like Hawkeye or Hulk for Hercules but I kind of get it. Just wish there were more legacy members for a legacy title such as this. Overall I give it an 8/10 and it's only getting better.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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