Tuesday, June 20, 2017

All New Guardians of the Galaxy #3

Written by Gerry Duggan
Penciled by Frazer Irving
Cover by Aaron Kuder
Published Jun 7 2017

   The issue starts off recapping some of the events in Gamora's life. Abandoned and later retrained by Thanos, he turned her loose on the galaxy. She later attacked him but failed to kill him. Then Adam Warlock saved her by putting her soul into the soul stone. Still, the easy life didn't fit for the young warrior, and she left the stone to fight with the Guardians of the Galaxy.
The Real World: Soul Stone Edition

   Now the dream continues. She asks the old woman why she's there, and it's revealed she wants to show her something. As they walk they encounter Adam Warlock and Phyla-Vell fighting mirror images of one another. She interferes and Adam thanks her for the assist. She asks how he returned to life and he tells her he's always been there. Suddenly the old woman grabs her and tells her they must flee. Their battle hasn't gone unnoticed. Flying overhead, some kind of soul demon passes them. Gamora tells the old woman she needs to be getting back to her friends when she's told that part of her never left.
Wait - I thought this was soul TRAIN! Not Stone... Crap.

   Adam saved her by bringing her to the soul stone but some of it was left behind when she left it. The old woman is a future version of Gamora, and by taking out her eyes, she's broken part of the spell. Gamora asks how they can find a way out and she awakes from her nap... slowly being brought back into the realm where Rocket and Groot are.
   Rocket is repairing the massive Galactus trojan horse they've been using when he asks her what she plans to do following the grandmaster job. She says she plans to find the soul stone... a plan that Rocket and Groot clearly see as suicidal. But with that, we're left to be continued.

Frazer Irving was working so hard on this awesome art, he forgot to draw Gamora's body.

   So ok... what the hell was this? A dream that kind of sheds a little light on one of the more mysterious members of the crew. I'll give it that. Gamora is still partially stuck in the soul stone and sees torturous imagery of what she left there. Other than that, I couldn't understand what was going on. Adam Warlock.. fighting some dude? I dunno. Either way, I'll give the story a C but this artwork was terrible. It reminds me of that horrendous Mike Del Mundo was doing for the first few issues of Avengers and it's just horrible. I don't know what it's gonna take to get Aaron Kuder back but hopefully it happens sooner than later. Other than that, I give this one a 5/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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