Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Civil War II #3

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by David Marquez
Cover by Marko Djurdjevic
Published July 13, 2016

   Matt Murdock calls his first witness, Captain Marvel Carol Danvers. He asks her to recap the events of July 19. She was part of a group of heroes that went to confront Dr. Bruce Banner. She and Tony Stark ask him what he's working on and he explains he hasn't had a Hulk incident in over a year. They ask him to step outside and there stands hundreds of Avengers, Inhumans, Ultimates, and X-Men. He hasn't done anything... yet.

Nothing to see here. It's only EVERYONE!

   Murdock calls Tony Stark. He asks what Banner's reaction was: Total and utter bafflement. They explain to Banner that a young Inhuman named Ulysses has visions. They all shared it and were clearly terrified. While they discuss, Tony and Carol explain on how their town on these visions and they need more proof. They find it. Beast hacks into Banner's computer and discovers he's been experimenting on himself with gamma infected cells. Maria Hill moves to arrest him but Banner is furious. Nearly immediately, a green-tipped arrow zips through the trees and kills him.

Direct hit, cupid!

   The group of superheroes advances to where the arrow came from while Tony screams at Carol. There they find the culprit with wrists outstretched. Hawkeye surrenders and as we find out - is on trial for murder. They all ask him why he did it as SHIELD tries to secure the area as a crime scene and he tells them it was because Bruce asked him to do it.
   In a bar months before, Bruce presents Hawkeye with an arrowhead. He begs the Avenger to kill him if there's ever any evidence he hulks out again. Though it's been a long time since, he's scared of it ever happening again. Back in the courtroom, Murdock asks him that with no witnesses and Clint's checkered past, how's this supposed to look? But he hopes his recent heroism would make up for it. Beast is called to the stand revealing footage of Banner asking Clint to be the triggerman. Hawkeye thought he saw the vision coming true. Danvers testifies that the action saved lives, and goes on to say that using Ulysses has saved millions. This is the first fatality and partialy because Bruce was the one who actually wanted to kill himself.


   Tony gets emotional. Banner was murdered because of Carol Danvers driving a narrative. Who's next on her list? She asks Medusa to get Ulysses away from there. Meanwhile in the courtroom, a verdict is reached. As they're preparing to announce it, Mary Jane comes into Tony's lab just as Friday tells him she's figured out how his visions work. She shows them to Tony and he's terrified - but with that, we're left to be continued.
   This was such an interesting miniseries. IT was the Marvel event of 2016 and helped define the timeline going forward. The best thing about it though was how well written and well drawn it was. Bendis did an amazing job revealing how human an event like this could be. Sure people have had visions before, but few writers would iron out the emotional toll it would take while sorting it out. It's good and if you haven't read the series, you should do it now. For this issue, I give it a well earned 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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