Friday, June 2, 2017

Royals #3

Written by Al Ewing
Penciled by Thony Silas
Cover by Jonboy Meyers
Published May 17, 2017

   5000 years into the future, the last Inhuman speaks the name Maximus aloud. And in the present, Medusa asks why it is he's here. Finally in the past we find out more about the two brothers as their parents discuss their youngest son. They choose his name and discuss the controversy of developing him with his mother's gifts - the ability to rear him with no impurities. They focus the baby's terregenesis on his brain, ensuring his cognitive abilities at genius level at worst. In the future he speaks his own name - connected with his brother Blackbolt in the present. He encounters the skyspear and finally hears Medusa calling him again.

Oh my bad - what were you saying?
   She asks where Blackbolt is and he tells her he's in the prison she intended for her brother-in-law....turning her back on him with her final royal decree. But since she did so, there's no record of where he was banished. And her former subjects will likely not help her. But since he's on board, she asks him how he escaped. He tells her he hid a multitool of sorts under his skin. Including a hacking suite for the cameras and an image inducer. Finally whispering a secret to his brother Blackbolt was all it took. Medusa orders Swain to keep him telepathically locked down and Maximus asks if the simpler solution would be to just kill him.

Dudes - So I got this idea...

   Later we find out what that secret was. Maximus sees the future and his destiny is to be king. Several years ago he approached the kree, asking them about alchemy. He and Blackbolt's parents used their inhuman gifts to purify terrigen which is forbidden.. Maximus makes a deal with the Kree which he and his brother fight over. Earlier in his life, his parents explained to him that he and Blackbolt's powers resonate somehow. In the proper circumstances, his voice could unlock Maximus' mind. Blackbolt is a King but as his father fears, his certainty could be their deaths.

Look what you did, dipshit!

   But their death was foretold to Maximus. From the prison cell, he explains to Blackbolt that he was meant to be his brother's keeper. Through his brother's destructive voice, he takes control. He swaps places with him - a flashback showing the moment he realized the power he had over Blackagar. And he did what he must. He now knows he is the last Inhuman. What he does, he does for the good of all. And with that we're left to be continued.

Next stop: Hala!

   For the first time, I honestly feel like these characters are distancing themselves from the X-Men. It's really no surprise that Marvel wanted to expand the Inhumans' blueprint but for the longest time, it felt forced. Finally it's starting to stand on it's own and building a title full of characters I genuinely want to know about. It's tough to keep up sometimes but it's on the right track. I give this one an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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