Thursday, June 15, 2017

Spider-Man #17

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by Oscar Bazaldua
Cover by Patrick Brown
Published Jun 7 2017

   Another new superhero is trying to trend... Bombshell livestreams herself on a rooftop while hearing gunshots below. She leaps down to the action while Hammerhead argues with one of his apparent customers. Introducing herself, Hammerhead tells her to go home because a. He doesn't hit women and b. she's a kid. She uses kinetic energy to blow him across the room. 
Ok Hammerhead - you asked for it.

As he gets up to charge, she shoots at him again but his head reflects it. She flies backwards into a brick wall and curses while he bears down upon her and she blasts him again. He gets up to charge again and this time, puts her down for the count. He tries to explain to the crowd he didn't want this but the girl forced his hand.
   Meanwhile at school, Miles has been awfully quiet. Fabian walks up to talk and Miles explains how he beat up an entire bar a few weeks before. This whole hero thing can wear on a kid, and the mutant called Goldballs explains that everybody has a raging sea of darkness inside every now and then. Just then, he gets a text from Lana from the hospital.
   When he gets there, the staff explains that she's sleeping off pain meds.  Miles asks the doctor what happened and he tells him she was talking about a guy with a hammer for a head. This is all Miles needs and he storms out. By the time Ganke and Fabian get there, they put two and two together on where he's going...
She kept saying "a Hammer For A Head..."

   Coincidentally Hammerhead stands in a bar regaling a group of people his exploits involving his previous superhero run-in. He turns and sees Spider-Man standing in the doorway waiting for him. He asks Spidey what was he supposed to do? Let the girl take a shot at him? They squint and the fight is on. All over the bar again the two rage. Eventually guards pull pistols and fire shots, hitting Hammerhead in his indestructible forehead. Spidey webs up the goons when Hammerhead tells him there's no good way this ends. Spider-Man thinks of Lana and begins punching Hammerhead bloody. But he makes a mistake and lets up. Hammerhead smashes him into a column and his foot comes down on the webhead's skull.

   The issue wraps with Miles' mother visiting Brooklyn Visions Academy. She walks down the dorm hall and tells one of Miles' roommates that she'll wait for him. Sitting in his room, she sits at the desk waiting and with that, we're left to be continued.
   Not a bad book but kind of a long way to go around for not much plot development. All that really happens here is yet another fight with Hammerhead and Myles being a tortured teenager. Obviously there's no real hurry to drop him into fights with A-listers here but after seeing him fight some majors with the Avengers, you'd think he could handle a little more. Good art though even though the story's moving along at a snails pace. Really at this point, what do you expect? I give it a 6/10.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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