Monday, June 12, 2017

All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #2

Written by Gerry Duggan
Penciled by Aaron Kudar
Cover by Aaron Kudar
Published May 24, 2017

   As the Guardians ship nears the Collector's fortress, Rocket briefs them on some ground rules. First of all, the tiny jewels that orbit around it - as he describes the mini-Asgard, are mines. Inside the walls reveals tons of security, plus some type of ghostly apparitions that can scare  a person to death. They agree it isn't somewhere they want to go into but Gamora tells them not to fret... the Collector will bring them in. Drax certainly doesn' t seem interested but as Peter tells them all, the score they'll walk away with will be enough to allow them to do anything they want.
Drax Ain't No Beach Boy.

   They way they initially get in is disguising themesleves inside a very odd looking animal the Collector had some interest in. Scans don't pick them up and when Groot tells them the coast is clear, they escape... though the sound of Peter's puking nearly gives them away. Rocket attempts to cut them out before the creature just bursts through on its own. The sound attracts guards who start blasting away, but not before a renewed Gamora charges. Peter remarks how she's been fighting like crazy since passing on the chance to take out Thanos - sometimes unnecessarily. 
Geez. Calm down!

   Meanwhile the pacified Drax asks a guard where the egg is, but accidentally kills him in the process. Quill welcomes him back. After encountering a little sickness from one of the nearby creatures, they spot the egg. Peter asks which way to the Collector's escape yachts but Rocket has a hard tine remembering where they are. Gamora keeps looking for something else and Rocket picks up on it. They don't have much time to discuss though because those weird nightmare things show up and they immediately go to work.
   All of their fears are instantly connected. Peter, Rocket, Gamora, and Groot are linked in terror but Drax scares the scarers. 
Oh, y'all blew it now!

They run away and Quill asks him what's in his head that would scare them. He declines to discuss it. They pick up the egg and begin making their escape when the room they were in has changed. Rocket calls for an end to finesse and blasts what he thinks is a wall. Only problem is that it's not a wall... it's the Collector's hand. As they stand on his gigantic finger tip, he tells them the only reason they're still alive is so he could see what they were stealing.
   The issue wraps with a window into the tiny Groot saplings. Their caretaker wheels some food towards them, but explains he doesn't have enough. One little sapling is left with none. He gets a scorned look on his face but the next page reveals a larger clone tearing him apart. The army of them is growing but what their intent remains a mystery. With that, we're left to be continued.
Well that was mean.

  Gerry Duggan recently tied the Collector into an issue of Deadpool so it's interesting to see him continuing to develop a character in a totally unrelated book. I'm still irked that this title was relaunched for no good reason though. I
 guess I don't have much recourse but I do appreciate the change in writers. The art however has certainly taken a step back. Where he plans on taking this still remains a mystery but I'll stick around. I give it a 7/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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