Monday, May 27, 2019

Uncanny X-Men #11


Written by Matthew Rosenberg
Penciled by Salvador Loracca, John McCrea, and Juanan Ramirez
Published Feb 6, 2019

   The X-Men are presumed dead. But one X-Man who surprisingly isn’t isn’t dead anymore is Cyclops. He meanders drunkenly through town encountering the suicidal Blindfold, the Avengers, eventually the Reavers, Purifyers and the Sapien League. But his end is interrupted by Wolverine. This oversized issue covers Scott’s return as well as Wolverine’s from various points of view. Incredibly well-written, I think at this point, Matthew Rosenberg isn’t just the writer Uncanny X-Men needed... He’s the writer Uncanny X-Men deserved. I give this one a 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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