Sunday, January 28, 2018

X-Men Blue #18


Written by Cullen Bunn
Penciled by RB Silver
Cover by Arthur Adams
Published Dec 27, 2017

   Banshee and Emma Frost sit at apparently one of the many X-schools when Iceman comes crashing through the window. What Emma has been expecting has happened, and the time displaced original X-Men and Generation X battle on the front lawn.

Well THAT escalated quickly.

   Evenly matched, the fight rages. Generation X seem fairly aware of these characters. Jean is finally able to convince them that they're clearly confused, and the originally team eventually overpowers them. Emma and Banshee scream themselves before Scott and Jean and it clearly has them freaked out. They walk back to the mansion to talk as Banshee and and the white queen psychicly warn each other to brace themselves.

"Ix-nay on the Agneto-May.."

   Jean, Scott, Emma and Sean Cassidy sit and discuss. They're from the future, um past.. and in their timeline, their friends began to disappear. Xavier called them back, and Magneto built a time platform - odd indeed, since in this timeline, the X-Men killed him.
   Meanwhile the students talk amongst themselves, all the while not quite trusting each other. Hank suddenly notices something, and realizes the mansion isn't real as it fades away. In Jean and Scott's meeting, it equally fades and Emma explains that when the X-Resistance fell, they used parts of the danger room to make the best of it.

I mean, if the mansion was falling down, wouldn't YOU grab parts of the Danger Room? Cuz I know I would.

   Jean peers into Emma's head and sees her original X-Men fighting the rest of the team. Emma tells her they turned against them, while the older Jean notices the younger one in the memory. Jean finally figures it out. She tells Scott they have to go back when another paradox makes everything fade away again. Hank readies them for one more jump and once again they see themselves in the fight of their lives vs Magneto. What does it all mean? Will they ever be able to return to their time? We'll have to wait as this issue is left to be continued.

Man, comic book artists love to draw dead super heroes...

   So I clicked around the internet for a few reviews of this book, and like I expected, they were a bit mixed. While it's still my second favorite of the current X-Men series, it's still irritating that both Bunn and Marc Guggenheim basically fill every tiny crevice of a story with trying to remind you they know their X-history. Also via the reviews, many found the arc difficult to follow, but if you can suspend some imagination here and there, it's easy to enjoy. When 5 kids from the 60's leap through timelines as much as these do, it's bound to crack a few eggs. I enjoy seeing where they're going and look forward to seeing how they wrap it up. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE.

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