Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Captain America #696


Written by Mark Waid
Penciled by Chris Samnee
Cover by Chris Samnee
Published Dec 6 2017

   Steve Rogers continues his redemption tour, finally stopping in a quaint little town north of Atlanta. He finds a diner with a help wanted sign and tries to trade some dishwashing for a late lunch. The owner quickly recognizes him though, and before long, a crowd gathers to get a look at Captain America.

The most exciting thing to happen to Riverdale since Jughead's crown.

   Meanwhile the Swordsman sees the television coverage. As Cap does some sightseeing with the diner's owner, he gets a phone call that the criminal is live, on the internet and nearby atop the dam and about to open the floodgate. Before he can even process the info, Cap's in uniform and running into the dam's control room where the criminal has been murdering various technicians.

Surprisingly graphic for such a small panel.

   Cap moves in with his shield, but the sword deflects it into a pipe. He leaps up to grab it, and the two men trade blow for blow until finally the timer goes off. The gate was pre-programmed to open. Cap knocks the Swordsman out while the only employee left alive attempts to override the opening control. He tries to close the valve but the pressure from the swollen river makes it too hard to move. Finally he has an idea. Grabbing the sword, he uses it like a lever to force it closed. He finally does it, saving the town and leaving the Swordsman under arrest.

The entire town was saved in one page!

   The issue wraps with him ready to move on. He thanks the diner's owner for great food, earning some homemade chili to go. He rides out, with what appears to be the silhouette of Kraven watching from a nearby rooftop. Foreshadowing aside, it'll have to wait, as this issue is left to be continued.
   With my constant praise for one-shot stories, it's probably no secret that I found this to be about the perfect kind of story for the iconic Captain America. Free from his extremely ambitious and stroy-centric Avengers crew, it's great to see the US's favorite son earning the country's trust back one town at a time. I give this quick read a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE.

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