Monday, January 8, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man #792


Written by Dan Slott
Penciled by Ryan Stegman
Cover by Alex Ross
Published Dec 13 2017

   Having battled Eddie Brock for control of the symbiote, Flash Thompson stands covered in Dr Steven's artificial Anti-Venom serum. He and Spider-Man finish Eddie off and Flash asks for a vessel to house the alien in, as his touch now burns it. They take off with what they can contain of the symbiote in search of a place to lay low.

"Come fly with me...  let's fly, let's fly awaaaaaaay...."

   Meanwhile, Hammerhead and his goons bring scores of stolen goods to an unimpressed Black Cat when the Looter and the rest of Lee Price's "Made Men" burst in. Mac Gargan tries to warn her, but she obviously fails to listen. Back at Mockingbird's apartment, Spider-Man and Flash hatch a plan to find the rogue symbiote, while back at the Cat's hideout, the battle clearly ebbs in Lee Price's favor. He converts Hammerhead, later using him to return Mac to his former Scorpion status before Felicia squares off with Lee - Mano e Womano.

How dare you make me look dumb in front of these dumb people!

   At Alchemax, Dr Steven dissolves the webbing that's wrapped around Eddie. He leaves on foot to find his alien, but the connection between them is severed. He can't feel it at all. Back at Bobby Morse's apartment, Spidey tinkers with a contraption that, thanks to Flash retrieving a tiny part of the alien, acts as a symbiote compass. Pete's phone...mask rings and he sends it straight to voicemail, missing a message from Betty warning him from missing any more work.

Something tells me, Pete, that was a bad idea.

   High above the city, Spider-Man and Flash Thompson swing while following the signal. Finally they get a hit, and the search brings them right to the Black Cat's lair. Without hesitating, Spidey and Flash explode through an air duct and into an ambush. As they stand face to face with Felicia and her newly venomized gang, they clearly have their hands full. We'll have to wait to see what happens though - as this issue is continued.

Oh, um... Bye Felicia!

   What a series this has the potential to be? Dan Slott and Ryan Stegman prove that although scores of people seem to loathe them on twitter, they can spin a pretty good Spider-Tale... get it? Although Eddie Brock's Venom turned over a new leaf, it's a waste to not have Lee Price and Flash Thompson in the mix battling for him. The story that was just waiting to happen finally does, and I couldn't be happier. This was a good one and I can't wait to see what happens next. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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