Wednesday, January 10, 2018

All New Wolverine #28


Written by Tom Taylor
Penciled by Juan Cabal
Cover by Elizabeth Torque
Published Dec 13, 2017

   While the Orphans of X continue bonding the murumasa blade int new weapons, Daken, Gabby, Laura, and her family hide out on the beach. Suddenly they're spotted, and as the helicopters bear down on them, Daken is shot through the midsection. Laura orders Gabby to find the bullet and they scramble away until the Blackbird arrives - just in time.
   Safely aboard, Laura pops a claw and is forced to cut around Daken's wound to allow his healing factor to work. She does so, and as he recovers, the party is introduced to a kinda pimped out afro-sporting Danger.
The Pam Grier Danger-Bot

 Laura decides they can't bring this on the X-Men. She re-routes the plane while Gabby is given a new super hero name... The Honey Badger.
   They arrive in Tokyo and head to the sewers in order to travel incognito. Finally they reach their destination, and the ridiculously dressed family of Laura Kinney are introduced to Murumasa. He inspects the bullet crafted from his blade. They intend to shoot the, um, Wolverines with the soul of their father. But the master created another weapon. A shield crafted from parts leftover from Logan. It's enough to help one of them fight - but they'll need more. The first step is for Daken to meditate, in order to once more be whole.

Well why didn't you say it was that easy?

   Days later, his arm has regenerated. But now parts of them all be required to make the next weapon. Meanwhile, the Orphans of X have arranged their own little ceremony. In a case is revealed 3 pistols with murumasa crafted bullets. They remove their masks and distribute the pistols to three lucky executioners. Chained before them are three figures - Lady Deathstrike, Sabertooth, and Logan. They're all shot in the face at point blank range, and with that, we're left to be continued.

What a crappy way to end a comic book.

   So Gabby's now the Honey Badger, and Jonathan The Wolverine is still in this book. I just wanted to remind you in case you forgot. Look, I know X-23 has been hardcore before, she's been ruthless, she's been a cold, calculated killer. Tom Taylor on the other hand brings out her quirky side, which may or may not be what you're looking for in a Wolverine book. Obviously this title still sells which is why I'm along for the long haul. But I'd love to see a little bit more. It's almost there. Just a few more steps. I give this one a 5/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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