Saturday, January 27, 2018

Despicable Deadpool #291


Written by Gerry Duggan
Penciled by Scott Koblish
Cover by David Lopez
Published Dec 27, 2017
   Deadpool calls Stryfe with the news that he finally killed Cable. He teleports the mercenary to his blimp, where a drunk Wade pees all over the floor and throws him the heart. Stryfe performs a test and it's official - it's real. Suddenly an intruder alarm sounds and Cable flies in. With bullets flying in every direction, Stryfe swears revenge.

Well now you're in big trouble.

   He throws Cable out of the window and grabs Deadpool, asking him how he wants his family to die when Wade grabs a pen and stabs him in the eye. When Cable comes back in, Deapool tries to duck out when the phone rings. A very sick Ellie asks for permission for the doctor to administer some meds - a doctor who turns out to be a time traveling Stryfe. Deadpool is blackmailed into turning on Cable, and he warns him that he's planted a bomb that will kill Hope Summers. Cable curses all of them and he bodyslides out of the timeline.

Dammit Deadpool. Ok bye.

   Stryfe tells Deadpool he won't forget this betrayal as he chugs beers, uncaring. The next three deaths he orders must come from THIS year. With that, Stryfe throws him out of the blimp and he lands in the river below, floating near a hobo who makes some interesting nonsensical observations.

Hey. Thanks, Hobo.

   The issue wraps with Deadpool talking with the very dead and dismembered Preston when his phone rings. Leaving a message is an old Hydra buddy. It seems they've tracked down the old, bizzaro fake Steve Rogers from the Secret Empire arc. What he intends to do to enact his revenge though will have to wait, as this issue is left to be continued.

Old Steevil Rogers.

   Man, I love this book. It's one of those titles that's just hit a sweet spot and almost reads itself. It's interesting that so long ago, I looked on it with such disdain. What happened to that Gerry Duggan? Either way, it's truly firing on all cylinders now, with cartoonish artwork to match. Duggan and Koblish are on fire and I can only hope it stays like that for a long time. I give this one a 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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