Thursday, January 11, 2018

Star Wars #40


Written by Kieron Gillen
Penciled by Salvador Larroca
Cover by David Marquez
Published Dec 13, 2017

   With the Empire's drill attached to the planet's surface, Luke and Benthic scale it - killing imperial guards along the way much to Luke's chagrin. When Benthic demands they lower the shields, he kills the resisting officer. Understanding they mean business, the shields are dropped and the partisans head for the drill.

QUICK! Muster the weird horse things!

   On the way, Chulco is distracted and Ubin Des is hit by a blaster. Meanwhile the Millenium Falcon swoops down and prepares to attack, while Benthic continues killing the officers. They swing to safety and Han Solo fires, destroying the mining installation.
   Above them, General Kanchar tells Trios her equipment is garbage when she shows him The Leviathan - a massive, hulking death machine meant to completely peel a planet's surface apart. Clearly he's impressed. 

General Kanchar likey!

   Back on the surface, Chulco tells Luke he's lost to the Force and demands they make a pilgrimage to the cult of the central Isopter.. Leia tells him he's being selfish. The last words her father told her, i.e. the mission briefing getting the Death Star plans to Obi Wan, was in fact the mission of her entire life. She cannot fail. Luke tells her that he must become a Jedi no matter what, and takes off.

Nobody cares, Leia. KTHXBYE!

   As they get closer, the heat rises. Finally a sand slug leaps from the chasm and Luke gets its attention. It attacks and he slices it with his lightsaber. Chulco tries to explain when they are approached... It appears the two pilgrims are there to join the Central Isopter in the shadow of death. Luke tells them they're just hear to talk and apparently the cultists disagree. With that, we're left to be continued. 

This is the kind of stuff that gives Jedi's nightmares.

   With Marvel and Lucasfilm all under Disney's roof, the space saga has almost endless potential. Who could have ever foreseen not only Rogue One bridging the gap between the prequel trilogy and the original one... but an actual comic book penned with the ability to even expand the story further. There are so many Star Wars lovers in the world, but if they miss this comic, they're truly missing out on some of the coolest adventures I could have ever imagined these characters being able to experience. This issue is again no exception. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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