Friday, January 19, 2018

Venom #159


Written by Mike Costa
Penciled by Gerardo Sandoval
Cover by Gerardo Sandoval
Published Dec 20, 2017

   Eddie Brock is still crushed by the loss of his symbiote when he's barked at by a dog. It'll take more than that to silence the voice in his head though. Back at the Black Cat's lair, Spider-Man and Anti-Venom have their hands full with a group of mind controlled supervillains. They fight back, and Lee Price subs Felicia in for Scorpion - though it's obviously an uphill battle.

Thanks, Spidey. For nothing.

   Meanwhile at Mockingbird's apartment, the symbiote searches mindlessly for it's previous hosts. It finally finds an escape route and slithers down the drain. Back at the hideout, Lee can tell there's something about this white knight. It hurts the symbiotes. Felicia kisses Flash and it causes the alien to repel from the Black Cat, freeing her. She stares back at Lee and his crew and heads for an open window.

What luck?!

   As coincidence would have it, Eddie happens to be walking nearby when she falls directly upon him. She grabs him and they run, while above, Flash and Spider-Man continue the battle. Spidey has an idea, and grabs Melters' fire blowing arm. As fire scares the aliens, pandemonium ensues... until both Spidey and Flash are hit with a falling beam.
   Inside the sewers, two welders work until they're scared by the disembodied Venom alien searching for Eddie. Luckily, he and Black Cat run directly above them and he senses the symbiote's presence. It shoots from a nearby grate and wraps around it's ever-familiar human host.

All the symbiote feelz!

   The issue wraps with Spider-Man and Flash giving each other props. It's too bad that they both hang upside down, beaten and in chains. Lee Price and his gang of inklings look on, wondering what to do with them next. But what that entails we'll have to wait for too - as this issue is left to be continued.

We've come for your daughter, Chuck.

   Who would have thought that a Dan Slott/Mike Costa team-up would be about as cool as a Spider-Man and Flash Thompson pairing? There's just something oddly cool about former confused bad guy Lee Price and a horde of villains running around with Venom faces, and I don't think I'm alone here in being excited where this arc is headed. I give this one a 9/10.

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