Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Justice League #34


Written by Christopher Priest
Penciled by Pete Woods
Cover by Pete Woods
Published Dec 6, 2017

   At the Evander Terradome, Simon Baz prays when he's informed of a red alert. He shoots out to space while hailing a reluctant Jessica. It appears a massive alien fleet is en route to Earth and Baz is gonna need all the help he can get.

Oh sure... Just take y'alls time.

   At Wayne Manor, Alfred wakes a passed out Bruce after a night out as Batman. Still completely exhausted, he teleports to the Watchtower for an update from Cyborg. Some nuns have been taken hostage, there was an earthquake in El Domingo, and Jessica is headed out to space to help Baz stop an alien fleet. Bruce goes on offense, splitting Jess back to El Domingo with Superman and Flash, while he, Aquaman and Wonder Woman will head for the nuns. 
You stay here, Cyborg. I'm just a normal guy without powers, but YOU stay behind.

   On the scene in Corona Del Mar, the Justice League goes to work while Simon reports the aliens are still in stasis. He asks if he should poke them but Jessica reminds him to ask Bats first. Meanwhile, Batman and Aquaman are undercover on a bus checking for explosives near the terrorists. He signals Wonder Woman who's dressed as a mail carrier, but a child blows the plan when she runs out in front of the bus behind a ball. Aquaman crashes the bus and Wonder Woman whips out the lasso on the terrorists.

So I'm Wonder Woman, and I'm here to kick your ass.

   Victor pulls Aquaman and sends him to deal with the Earthquake. In the confusion, the FBI throws a flash grenade into the terrorist situation, exploding one of the nun's oxygen tanks. One suspect is dead but the other is able to kill a hostage before Batman can get inside. At the earthquake, Aquaman senses a tsunami, and he and Flash run towards it for reasons I can't really figure out. 

Let's swim out to the Tsunami... For reasons unknown.

   Finally Superman, Jessica and Cyborg meet Baz to confront the alien fleet and he explains it was just a massive space tourist caravan. They took a wrong turn so decided to just buzz our solar system for a closer look. The issue wraps back at Wayne Manor where a still awake Bruce recaps his exhausting day. Clark walks up and explains that it sometimes takes a team to keep everything under control, and he shouldn't be so hard on himself for making a mistake. Overall it was just a day in the life of the Justice League - and a good one at that. And with that, this issue is concluded.

I know you ruined everything, but don't be so hard on yourself.

   So the Christopher Priest era in Justice League is underway, and if this issue is any indication of the action he has in store, I'd say we're all in for a treat. The pencils of Pete Woods certainly stayed caught up with all the massive turns one book could throw. No offense to Bryan Hitch of course but this series was due for new blood and it looks like they've found an amazing creative team to pass the baton to. I'm looking forward to seeing where they take it. I give this issue a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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