Sunday, January 21, 2018

Justice League #35


Written by Christopher Priest
Penciled by Pete Woods
Cover by Pete Woods
Published Dec 20, 2017

   Wonder Woman waits in a police station to talk with a detective. As he is increasingly condescending to her, she admits it was her sword that killed the nun in the previous issue, although because of police interference. He wants more, but right now she must be going.

I don't know what else you want me to tell you.. but PEACE!

   Meanwhile on the Watchtower, a metallic being materializes near a distracted Jessica Cruz. She reacts, pounding the armored man with green energy all while they yell at each other in Spanish. Glenn Gammeron is an old friend who's looking for the Martian Manhunter, an old friend. Later Wonder Woman and a disguised Bruce Banner return from earth with her sword in tow. Batman and Jessica then talk with Glenn...and it appears while capturing a recent bad guy, an alien bug might have escaped onto Earth.

So listen up... Because this is gross.

   Jess describes the situation to Barry and Kid Flash while he coaches a basketball game. The two sprint through the city with custom bug detectors while the Lanterns, Cyborg and Glenn fly overhead. Finally Wally explains to Flash that he's found the jackpot: a dog covered in bugs. But Flash retorts the real party is down at the bay.

Nah brah, that ain't nothing. Wait till you see what Barry caught...

   Back at the Watchtower, Superman consoles a distraught Wonder Woman, who is quick to try and shield blame from the previous plan's failures from Batman. Meanwhile Simon builds a giant green energy roach motel and encases the massive bug-man while Glenn sprays it with a gel. Together, they shrink it and the threat to San Francisco is finally over.

Well that seems easy enough.

   The issue wraps with the team back at the tower. Together they rib each other on things they should and shouldn't have done, but are interrupted by breaking news. Police body cam footage shows the terrorist in the previous issue somehow obtaining Wonder Woman's sword, and murdering the nun. Wonder Woman quickly turns off the viral video as obviously the entire world is now aware of. What will the League do? how can they keep society from laying the blame at their feet? We'll have to wait to find out as this issue is left to be continued.

Just throw the TV out of the Watchtower and pretend like you didn't hear anything.

   So in Christopher Priest's second issue at the controls, we're beginning to learn more about the direction he intends to take it in. More importantly, the way he intends to get there and it isn't just interesting... it's amazing. Sometimes you can sense what kind of talent a writer has with a particular subject and recognize the potential. This book looks to be evidence of that and I can't wait to see where he goes with it. I give this one a 9/10.

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