Monday, January 15, 2018

Old Man Logan #32


Written by Ed Brisson
Penciled by Mike Deodato Jr
Cover by Mike Deodato Jr
Published Dec 20, 2017

   Sometime in the past, Gorgon performs a Hand ritual on a recovered body. As commanded, she rises from the slab, ready for war. Meanwhile in modern day Tokyo, Logan approaches the widow of the scientist who'd been engineering Reginix for the Yashida Corporation. They arrange to meet later discuss. 

I know you've been through a lot, but why not take a moment to meet up with this total stranger.

   Back at the Yashida building, Gorgon and his lackeys walk in and send the engineers home. The keep one on hand though, and order him to fetch the Reginix. He injects one of the Hand soldiers, with Gorgon later slicing him with a katana and noting the body regenerates. With demands he inject the rest of the soldiers, the boss is approached with news of a problem.

Houston, we have a Wolverine problem.

   At the Paris Bar, Logan meets with Asami and she gives him the story of how her husband had been conned into stealing Regenix from Shingen and selling it to the Crazy Thunder Clan. Her story is interrupted though by Gorgon and a horde of Hand soldiers. As they stab the widow, Logan charges but is sliced by Gorgon's newest initiate, the Scarlet Samarai. He notices a smell though. Death, dirt, decay... but cherry blossoms, rosewater. Who is this mystery ninja at Gorgon's disposal?

There's just something about this ninja... I can't quite place it.

   As the fight intensifies, Logan realizes that the Hand is using Regenix. She slices his hand off like his adamantium bones are nothing and he slowly begins to understand this is no ordinary fight. Meanwhile Shingen wakes up in a garbage compactor. He armors up into the Silver Samurai and kills a janitor. But speaking of Samurai's, Gorgon demands his soldier remove her helmet. Logan braces. He knows who's under the cowl. But there before him stands his long lost love Mariko, with sword drawn and ready to strike. How will he retaliate against one of his longest enemies armed against the woman he loves? We'll have to wait as this issue is left to be continued.


   As I mentioned a few days ago, Ed Brisson has been doing some outstanding work lately... not only in the pages of Cable, but especially in this book. As I mentioned then, he's also been working on Iron Fist, and if these two books can get any better, I may have to include that one in the books I review. As usual, these characters are layered and complex, built to show off not only where Brisson can take them, but proof he obviously knows where they came from. I give this one an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE.

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