Saturday, January 13, 2018

Cable #152


Written by Ed Brisson
Penciled by Jon Malin
Cover by Jon Malin
Published Dec 13 2017

   Cable, Armor, and Doop race into Mongolia in the Blackbird to pick up Longshot, Shatterstar, and X-23. They exchange stories. Burke didn't put up a fight at all while for the others, Saul was found dead before they battled Absolum and Crule. Selene was also there with an obviously mind controlled Blink. Cable takes this all in while they all board the plane and takeoff. 

We gotta go. Just tell me on the way.

   They land in Colorado at the site of Gideon's corporation. When they get near the disguised building, the doors open and they walk inside. There an AI named Eve greets them, showing off scores of telepaths in stasis, including an aged Gideon himself. Cable explains to Eve that something's not right when Doop touches Gideon's pod. It disappears and alarms sound.

Doop is still winning the dumbest X-Men awards.

   Meanwhile, the Externals walk into Burke's hippie cabin and note that his heart has also been removed from his body. They begin to shape out a suspect for the murders. Selene orders the bodies burned along with the cabin. Back at Gideon's, um... whatever you'd call it, Another one of his techno-watchdogs Adam comes in to fight. Before it can get underway though, Gideon himself walks in. Cable tells him he can't murder the other Externals, a point of which Gideon clearly disagrees with. He tries to arrest the murderer but his telepathic army puts up a fight.

Laura's making the rounds in an awful lotta books.

   Doop throws up a shield and Laura decapitates Adam. Cable tells him no one needs to get hurt, but Gideon isn't going down without a fight. He releases a pack of violent mutant megahumans and escapes, thanking them for the Blackbird he's about to steal. The team fights back. Cable tells Longshot and Armor to go after Gideon, but once Doop is knocked things look a lot more difficult. Worse yet, when Armor and Longshot open the door, Gideon's telepaths have broken out and they don't look happy. What happens next? We'll have to wait to find out as this issue is left to be continued.

Hey Squad! Y'all ain't gonna like this...

   Fresh off taking over for Old Man Logan, it appears Ed Brisson is barely slowing down. This book is yet another victory for the young writer, adding to an amazing stable of work that includes Iron Fist. I'm not gonna lie. If this series continues to impress me, I might have to add another title to my review pile. This issue keeps the pedal to the medal for Cable and his Newer Mutants. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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