Monday, January 29, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man #793


Written by Dan Slott
Penciled by Ryan Stegman
Cover by Alex Ross
Published Dec 27, 2017

   In the meatpacking district, two goons stick up a food truck when they're interupted by a gruff sounding Spider-Man. He beats the crooks up badly, not only freaking out the drivers, but later stealing the truck himself.

Spidey in full jerk mode.

   Back in the Bronx, Maniac and his minions boot up a conveyor belt, feeding Flash Thompson into flames. Obviously busy, Lee Price leaves his gang to finish the job when in jumps Mania. She takes them out and pulls a very crisp Anti-Venom out of the fire. Now covered in some kind of shell, he bursts out of it, explaining to his protege that they need to hurry up and find Spider-Man.

Whew! That was a close one!

   Meanwhile at Alchemax, Venom surprises Dr. Steve, requesting the artificial Anti-Venom. Black Cat joins the show, and helps to persuade the doctor. While back in the Bronx, Spider-Man delivers the stolen goods to Maniac. He explains to the webcrawler it's all an attempt to draw the Black Cat out of hiding when Spidey has an idea.

Even the Web Ware screen is black. Cool.

   At the secured location of the anti-venom, Black Cat breaks in and she, the doctor, and Venom prepare to weaponize the serum. While at the Bugle, Super jerk-mode Spider-Man crashes into the office and although they can tell he's under mind control, he's able to force Ben Urich to pen a story. They're interrupted just in time by Flash, who pulls Spider-Man out the window, and eventually propelled onto the roof.

"Here 'U' Go!"

   Spider-Man punches out Mania, and when Flash goes after her, is able to pull one of the DAILY BUGLE'S sign letters right on top of him. Mania dangles from the roof when suddenly Black Cat swings in, throwing some kind of anti-venom weapon belt thing at Spider-Man. He's finally free of the mind controlling symbiote. As Venom joins the party, the entire group of them all decide to join forces in the interest of stopping Lee Price's crime tour.
   The issue wraps at the annual meeting of the five largest crime families. As they gather to toast their truce, their champagne glasses turn out to be spiked. The symbiote wraps each mobster's head as Maniac celebrates. From now on, they're all family. What happens next? We'll have to wait as this issue is left to be continued.

Wasn't this how Godfather III ended?

   Now that we know Dan Slott will be moving on from this book, it's kind of feels like we need to enjoy every issue we have left together. This story arc has really turned out to be awesome. How else can you make Spider-Man instantly more interesting? Give him a Venom to fight. Even better than that? Put a bunch of Venom's on his side. Ryan Stegman's artwork pairs nicely with the story as well. I'm stoked to see where Slott and Mike Costa can keep bringing this one too. I give this one a 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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