Tuesday, February 6, 2018

X-Men Gold #19


Written by Marc Guggenheim
Penciled by Diego Bernard
Cover by Ken Lashley
Published Jan 3, 2018

   Kologoth remembers his tragic life and Scythian the god rises. Looks like it's up to the X-Men to save the day again. They take to the air, leaving Logan to handle Kologoth on the ground. Meanwhile Augor tells his companion this isn't the Scythian he remembers as Logan makes his move.

Well buddy, I think your day is about to get worse.

   Above the skies, Ink spots Nightcrawler while the beast shreds the mutants with ease. Clearly outmatched, Colossus orders them to fall back. Back on the ground, Logan continues his fight, eventually getting the upperhand and killing the monster. With that threat neutralized, they all regroup to figure out to stop the real problem - Scythian.
   Suddenly Augor walks in. He tells them he didn't know Kologoth was creating such a monstrous killing machine but he now aims to help stop it. He explains the only way to stop it is magic. But without Illyana along for the trip, Kitty decides to improvise.

Kitty.. on the fly.

   They borrow a ship from the Dartayans and fly high above it with Storm using the jet stream in their favor. As Nightcrawler flies, they all get into position. Kitty leaps from the rear of the plane and phases through the monster and passes a tow cable along with her. She disconnects and the monster is hooked. Ink catches her and Storm helps control the air. They tow the monster while Kurt tries his best to angle it into position. Kitty grabs Colossus and phases him, as the cable breaks free and they drop Scythian into the negative zone vortex.

Let's go fishin!

   All clear, the X-Men prepare to take off but suddenly their engines go offline. They all brace for impact as the ship is sucked into the vortex... at least that's what it looks like. With that, we're left to be continued.

X- Men Gold. Not explaining the ending of comics since 2016.

   So it looks like the X-Men are trapped in the Negative Zone again. Even though I thought they were already trapped. Maybe this is some other part of the negative zone. Either way, although a bit disjointed, this issue was better than the previous ones have been. I like Kitty as a team leader, even if this team is oddly put together. It's a decent arc and will make for some challenges. Who knew the Kologoth story would intertwine almost 12 issues later. I dig where it's heading but kinda look forward to it wrapping up. I give this one a 7/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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